Elite Holiday Club

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About Elite Holiday Club

Name Elite Holiday Club
Address St Neots Preparatory School Ltd, St Neots Road, Eversley, Hook, RG27 0PN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at the setting and greet staff enthusiastically. They confidently say goodbye to their parents and hurry to join their friends in play.

Children quickly become immersed in a wide range of activities and experiences that staff have carefully planned for them. They eagerly talk about their favourite activities, including swimming. Children say they make lots of new friends when they are at the club.

Children are able to contribute their own ideas and suggestions. For example, staff encourage the children to decide which games they would like to participate in. This helps children to develop a strong s...ense of belonging and know that their ideas are welcomed and listened to.

Children enjoy high-energy play in the fresh air. They proudly demonstrate their increasing physical skills as they challenge one another in a light-hearted, competitive way to a game of basketball. Children cheer with delight as they successfully get the ball through the hoop.

They beam with pride as staff and their peers clap and cheer for them. This helps to promote their self-esteem and well-being. Children spend long periods at their chosen activities and enjoy it when the nurturing staff join in.

For instance, they concentrate well while creating models with very small construction bricks. Children confidently talk to the attentive staff about what they are making. Children behave well and listen carefully to instructions.

They know the rules and boundaries of the club and positively follow them as expected.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and leaders take the happiness and well-being of staff members very seriously. As a result, they retain experienced and knowledgeable staff.

Staff are happy in their roles and morale is high. The manager monitors staff's practice closely and provides ongoing training to help to improve their performance. For example, since the previous inspection, the manager has provided in-depth training for staff to improve their safeguarding knowledge.

As a result, staff now have an excellent knowledge of how to safeguard children in the setting.Parents speak highly of the club. They feel that the staff are 'extremely nurturing' and say their children 'come home with a smile on their face after an exciting day'.

They comment that they chose the club because of the vast range of outdoor opportunities provided, and that their children tell them how much they enjoy attending.Children are confident communicators. They engage in meaningful conversations with staff, who listen carefully to what they are saying.

Children delight in talking about previous activities they have enjoyed at the club. For instance, they discuss how much they enjoyed recent baking and craft activities. Staff use skilful questioning to encourage children to express their thoughts and ideas and expand on conversations.

Children have an excellent understanding of how to keep themselves safe. For example, they know that they must inform an adult if they are leaving the room to go to the toilet. Children can confidently describe the procedures that they must follow in the event of an emergency.

This includes stopping what they are doing, lining up by the fire exit and listening to instructions from adults.The manager is committed to his role and responsibilities. He has high expectations for the quality of the club.

The manager seeks the views of children and staff to help effectively evaluate the provision. He demonstrates a clear understanding of the club's strengths and identifies where improvements could be made. For example, he would like to further develop the information that is shared with parents.

Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. Rules are consistently applied. The club is an inclusive setting that meets the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff ensure that the resources and games meet the individual needs of the range of children who attend. This ensures that all children are supported fully and included in all activities.Children develop a strong understanding of how they can keep themselves healthy.

Staff give clear messages to all children about healthy eating. They encourage children to bring in healthy packed lunches. Children have plenty of opportunities for physical exercise.

For instance, they partake in swimming sessions, which strengthens their physical skills and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Children thoroughly enjoy these sessions. They illustrate this as they confidently dive into the water and practise their swimming skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff benefit from regular safeguarding training. They have a good knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse.

Staff know the procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child in their care as well as the whistle-blowing procedure. They have an up-to-date knowledge and understanding of the 'Prevent' duty. Staff know how to identify and respond to concerns relating to children at possible risk of radicalisation and extremist behaviours.

Recruitment, vetting and ongoing suitability checks are robust to make sure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Staff maintain meticulous records and are clear about the procedures to follow if they have any concerns. Staff carry out regular risk assessments and remove any hazards they identify.

Also at this postcode
St Neot’’s Preparatory School

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