Magic Moments (Kempsey) LTD

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About Magic Moments (Kempsey) LTD

Name Magic Moments (Kempsey) LTD
Ofsted Inspections
Address Magic Moments Day Nursery, Main Road, Kempsey, Worcester, WR5 3LQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

All children thrive at this welcoming and well-organised nursery. They arrive happy and display positive attitudes to their play and learning. Staff use their expert knowledge of child development to plan an exciting and highly ambitious curriculum inspired by children's current interests and development needs.

All children make excellent progress from their starting points. Exceptional settling-in procedures support children's move from home to nursery. Staff invite parents and children to attend taster sessions to become familiar with staff and their surroundings.

In addition, nurturing staff visit children in... their own home to build secure relationships from the outset.Children are highly engaged and eager to learn. They enthusiastically explore the wide array of high-quality resources, both indoors and outdoors.

Young children excitedly engage in repetitive play, such as filling and emptying different-sized containers with water and sand. Staff gently ask children to identify which bucket is empty and which is full to support their early mathematical skills. They provide children with lots of opportunities to be physically active and to play outside in the fresh air.

Children develop strength in their bodies as they climb and balance on play apparatus. Pre-school children learn to keep themselves safe. They practise how to use knives safely to cut bark from twigs.

Children develop excellent communication and language skills. Staff introduce children to sign language to help them communicate their wants and needs. Children delight in singing action songs and rhymes.

Staff engage children in deep and meaningful conversations as they play. They support them to make links to past learning experiences. For example, children excitedly talk about bumblebees and explain how important they are for the environment.

Staff are highly skilled in introducing and embedding new vocabulary. As children engage in pretend play, staff ask them what it is bees collect from flowers. Children are quick to respond and announce 'nectar and pollen'.

Staff skilfully support children to be independent from an early age. Babies display high levels of confidence and develop a 'can-do' attitude. Staff sit alongside them to offer plenty of encouragement.

They make lots of eye contact as they praise their attempts to feed themselves. Babies sleep peacefully in comfortable surroundings. Staff regularly check on them to ensure they are safe and well.

Older children are competent at many tasks because staff encourage them to practise key skills on a daily basis. Children help to lay the table, serve food and pour drinks. Children display excellent hygiene practice.

They tell staff they need to wash their hands because they have been playing outside.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The dedicated manager is also the provider of this outstanding nursery. She and her deputy have an excellent knowledge and understanding of child development.

Together, they strive to deliver the highest quality of care and education to all children at all times. The passionate management team ensure that they and their staff team receive focused and highly effective professional development opportunities to consistently improve their already exceptional knowledge and skills. Staff report outstanding levels of support from the managers for their well-being.

Staff are wonderful role models. They speak to children and each other in a respectful and gentle manner. Children display the same gentle and respectful nature.

They play cooperatively with their friends. Children share, take turns and learn to resolve their own minor conflicts.The experienced and knowledgeable special educational needs coordinator works extremely well with the management team.

Together, they ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive prompt, targeted early help and support. Children with SEND form strong relationships with their key person and all staff that support them during their time at nursery. Staff work exceptionally well with parents and other professionals to create individual learning plans to close any emerging gaps in their learning.

Any additional funding the nursery receives is used solely to benefit children's individual needs. For example, by purchasing further resources to support their play. Children with SEND make rapid progress in their learning and development.

Staff are highly skilled in supporting children who speak English as an additional language . They gather a wide range of information from parents on induction. For example, staff seek key words in children's home language, which staff use in the beginning to support children's understanding of English words and phrases.

Children explore and use a vast array of resources, such as button recorders to support their expanding vocabulary. Children promptly become fluent and confident communicators.Managers and staff have excellent partnerships with parents.

They share lots of information about children's progress. For example, through daily discussions, emails, newsletters and the nursery's digital platform. The nursery has a parent committee, who meet regularly with the management team to discuss what they do well and identify areas for development.

This helps to drive continuous improvement at the nursery. Parents are extremely happy with the quality of care and education their children receive. They comment on the wonderful and dedicated staff team and the excellent communication they receive.

Parents state they feel valued and extremely well supported Staff have excellent partnerships with other providers, such as local schools and other settings children attend They share a wide range of information with them to ensure all children receive a consistent and complementary approach to their learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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