Southam Primary Pre School LTD

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About Southam Primary Pre School LTD

Name Southam Primary Pre School LTD
Ofsted Inspections
Address Southam Primary School, St. James Road, SOUTHAM, Warwickshire, CV47 0QB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children play in an exciting and stimulating learning environment.

They feel safe and emotionally secure. Children form secure bonds with practitioners and independently form positive relationships with their peers. They are happy and content.

Children confidently involve practitioners and other children in their play, sharing their excitement about the things they have made. Children's attitudes are consistent, and they demonstrate a high level of understanding and respect for others. Their willingness to help others is exceptional.

Children have access to an exciting and challenging curriculum, with t...heir interests playing a key part in what is provided by practitioners for their learning. For example, children have a keen interest in treasure and pirate activities, and they investigate 'treasure' using tools, such as tweezers, to extend their handling skills. They make patterns and sequences with brightly coloured beads and sparkling 'gems'.

Highly skilled practitioners are effective in the way in which they challenge the children's learning. They use the children's natural curiosity to explore the sound of rain on the roof, to further develop their listening skills, repeating the sounds or beats using musical instruments. Practitioners create a rich learning environment.

They join the children in play, skilfully asking questions and providing age-appropriate challenges. For example, children make a train with large construction blocks, and practitioners provide them with reasons to question what will happen next. The children use their imagination to explore the ways in which people help us, for example doctors and ambulance staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is also the manager of the setting. She leads with real passion to deliver the best possible outcomes for all the children who attend. The team members she manages are committed to the setting's vision.

They successfully provide the best opportunities for children to develop and become confident, independent learners.Children happily say goodbye to their parents and are excited to get involved in playing with their friends.The opportunities for learning are inspiring and exciting for children.

Practitioners use their extensive skills to build on what the children already know. They provide the opportunity for children to extend learning even further through deeper engagement in their play and increasing the level of maintained concentration.Partnerships with parents are excellent.

Parents highly commend the whole team. They view the settling-in process, including home visits to form relationships with the children prior to starting the setting, as invaluable to their children feeling confident. Parents enjoy sessions where they can attend and join in with their children's learning.

Information shared results in effective partnership working to provide the best opportunities for children to learn and develop confidently.The manager and practitioners continually observe and assess what children know. They use children's interests to engage them in their learning, reinforcing what they can do and providing new challenges to extend their learning.

The manager monitors the quality of activities and learning experiences to ensure these reflect the children's interests and stages of development.Practitioners are warm and caring and form exceptionally good relationships with the children. Children's superior independence skills are embedded in all aspects of their learning.

Children are extremely well behaved. They take great delight in helping adults with small responsibilities, such as gathering their friends' choices of snack, recording these using mathematical concepts and relaying them back to a practitioner. There is an outstanding respectful culture in this pre-school provision.

Staff are supported through highly effective supervision and training opportunities to improve the quality of their teaching to an exceptional level. This has an excellent positive impact on children's learning.Children demonstrate a high level of engagement and enjoyment while listening to familiar stories.

Practitioners give children the choice of stories through voting for their favourite. Each child has a small building brick, which they place on the book they would like a practitioner to read. They then use their superior mathematical skills to look at the groups of bricks and calculate which has the most votes, confidently using their mathematical vocabulary while doing so.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and all practitioners have an excellent understanding of safeguarding and child protection practice and procedures. They regularly attend training and know the signs of abuse and neglect, and are aware of the duty to prevent children being drawn into situations that put them at risk.

Procedures for recruitment and selection are robust in ensuring the suitability of practitioners. The provider ensures that risk assessments are highly effective in identifying and minimising all potential risks. All areas of the provision, indoors and outdoors, are safe, secure and suitable at all times.

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