Time Out Childcare Whiteley

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About Time Out Childcare Whiteley

Name Time Out Childcare Whiteley
Address Whiteley Cp School, Gull Coppice, Fareham, PO15 7LA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children have an enjoyable time at this club.

They happily greet staff and visitors and show high levels of confidence. Children excitedly tell friends about their school day and what lessons they had. They laugh together as they talk about which were the most fun.

Children have lovely friendships and share wonderful conversations. For example, they happily chat and giggle as they discuss their favourite computer games. Children show enthusiasm and praise one another as they reveal how long it took them to complete the games.

Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. Children help to devise the rules o...f the club. They demonstrate their understanding of these by sharing resources, thanking one another as they do so.

Older children enjoy involving younger children in their play. For instance, they help them to build models from cardboard boxes and tubes. Older children suggest which type of glue would stick the boxes together most effectively.

Children are consistently busy at play. They choose their own games and invite staff to join in with them. For example, children enthusiastically take part in a 'one lap challenge'.

They run around the outside of a grassed area and compete to beat their fastest time. Children praise their friends as they manage to complete the challenge in less than a minute. Staff also take their turn and children cheer them along.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The owner and the managers have clear aims to provide a club in which children can relax in a safe space and be happy, healthy and safe. They respect children's opinions and involve them in decision-making processes. The managers encourage children to vote on what they like to do at the club.

For instance, children decide what resources they would like out for the day. Staff monitor the responses as a team and then provide children with their preferred choices.Children are confident communicators.

They discuss together what activities they would like to play with at the club. Children laugh as they hold friendly conversations about the school day. Children demonstrate that they feel comfortable talking to staff.

They talk openly and discuss any worries that they have. Children's well-being is fully supported by staff.The owner works with the managers to regularly reflect on their practice so they can monitor what is working well at the club.

They make good use of staff supervisions to review staff practice and how to improve it. Staff attend regular training opportunities to develop their skills and discover new knowledge. They talk about the regular help and support they receive from the owner and the managers.

Staff appreciate the regular, encouraging verbal feedback they receive.Staff provide a wide range of opportunities for children to be creative. For example, children are enthusiastic and motivated to make spinning tops out of card.

They use a variety of pens, pencils, and shiny materials to decorate them. Staff demonstrate how to make the spinning top spin by pushing a pencil through the middle of the card. Children watch and then concentrate as they copy the actions.

They eagerly show staff when they have finished and look proudly at their creations.Staff provide children with a variety of different foods items to try. Children butter their own toast to enjoy together at snack time.

They talk of the 'sweet honey' and how they can drip it onto their toast. Staff encourage children to try portions of the many fruits and vegetables available. Children are making healthy lifestyle choices.

Partnerships with parents are good. Parents report that the club is a fun place for their children to be. They talk of the friendly relationships with staff and the thorough communication.

For example, parents appreciate the regular updates they receive from staff about what children have been doing at the club. Parents also talk about how they appreciate the flexibility of being able to book extra sessions. The manager regularly communicates with the teachers at the school.

This helps to ensure that children receive continuity of care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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