Trinket Box Pre School Ltd

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About Trinket Box Pre School Ltd

Name Trinket Box Pre School Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address c/o Thorpe Greenways Schools, Greenways, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, SS1 3BS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority SouthendonSea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are wonderfully happy and show high levels of confidence at this setting. From the moment they arrive, they become immersed in a range of challenging and exciting experiences.

There is a steady hum of chatter and laughter as children become quickly absorbed in play and learning with their friends. For example, they make 'tea and toast' for breakfast and take care of the 'babies' in the home corner. Children engage in language-rich conversations with both friends and adults.

They speak with confidence about their weekend and how they enjoyed going to a birthday party. Dressing-up outfits extend children'...s ideas and enable them to connect their experiences with the magical world of imagination. Outside, children explore the exciting and challenging environment.

They delight in the wonder of nature as they take part in forest school sessions. For example, they carefully catch newts and frogs in the pond. This helps children to develop an awareness of conservation and how to care for living things.

Inside, children study the caterpillars and express their amazement at how much they have grown over the weekend. Adults explain the stages of the life cycle, helping children to think about what happens next.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum that promotes children's learning and development across the seven areas of learning.

Staff's knowledge and carefully considered learning aims result in high-quality, inspirational teaching for all children. As a result, children are making rapid progress in their learning.Children make exceptional progress with communication and language.

Environments are incredibly language-rich. This provides children with a wealth of vocabulary, conversational skills, and listening and attention. For example, adults deliver superb storytelling sessions that encourage children to listen, take turns and contribute ideas.

They describe the many sounds that the 'little kitten' experiences throughout his walk.Staff use their superb knowledge of child development to provide meaningful and inspirational experiences for all children. For example, children mix their own paints from powder, carefully following a colour chart to create a rainbow of colours.

This helps to extend their knowledge of colours and the effects of mixing them together.Children are developing an array of skills to support their independence. When they arrive, children prepare the fruit and vegetables for snack.

They show skill in handling knives and cutting the snack into small pieces. Later, children serve themselves from the snack bar. Adults provide children with unlimited opportunities to try things for themselves.

As a result, children demonstrate a 'can-do' attitude towards their play and learning. Adults encourage the more experienced children to support younger or less-experienced children. They use the experiences that children bring to the setting to share with others to help broaden knowledge for all children.

Children's behaviour across the setting is exemplary. Children have positive attitudes and develop secure friendships. During their play, children work together with their friends to achieve what they set out to do.

They show high levels of concentration, perseverance and resilience. For example, they connect large pieces of tubing together to create a chute for the balls. They work together to find ways of extending the chute when they run out of tubes.

They show excitement when they successfully solve the problem.Self-evaluation is meticulous. Leaders demonstrate an absolute awareness of what works well and what they would like to develop further.

They invest heavily in their own training, development and research. This offers the wider team invaluable support through inspirational coaching, supervision and professional development. Leaders have ensured that their own knowledge and skills are at the forefront of thinking and enable staff to deliver exceptional teaching and learning.

Support for the most disadvantaged children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, is incredibly well targeted and impactful. As a result, gaps in children's knowledge and skills are closing rapidly.Parents provide incredibly high praise.

They feel exceptionally well supported and speak highly of the amazing experiences children have.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders have created an incredibly strong safeguarding culture.

Staff have an exceptional understanding of how to keep children safe. They show a secure knowledge of the indicators of abuse and know how, and where, to raise a concern. Meticulous checks ensure the safe recruitment of staff.

This means that only those who are suitable to work with children are able to do so. Leaders follow robust procedures for managing children's safety. For example, safeguarding coordinators carry out regular risk assessments to ensure the safety and security of the premises.

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