WrapAroundCare4u Ltd @ Butlers Court School

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About WrapAroundCare4u Ltd @ Butlers Court School

Name WrapAroundCare4u Ltd @ Butlers Court School
Address Butlers Court County Combined School, Wattleton Road, BEACONSFIELD, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1RW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are excited and enthusiastic when they arrive at the club. They are greeted by friendly staff and put their belongings away on arrival. At the start of each session children sit together for registration and chat about their day with staff and their peers.

The environment is welcoming and enables children to play with their friends and take part in a variety of activities. Staff take the time to listen to what children have to say and tailor activities and resources to their individual interests. For instance, children have an input in the activities on offer and are encouraged to run their own clubs, such as art and craft... club, book club and yoga club.

Activities are well planned to motivate children and to support their developing skills and abilities. Children are able to enjoy time outdoors where they can participate in team sports or have free time choosing from the resources on offer, such as table tennis or bat and ball games. This supports their need for fresh air and physical exercise effectively.

Children behave very well and are kind towards one and another. They thoroughly enjoy their time at the club and say 'it is like after school play time, as it is so fun'. Staff are good role models, they encourage positive behaviour and remind the children to say 'please' and 'thank you'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff create a warm and friendly atmosphere, and genuinely enjoy interacting and having fun with the children. They chat to the children about their home life and are sensitive to the children's feelings and needs. Staff are very knowledgeable and experienced in working with young children and ensure their individual needs are consistently met.

This promotes children's confidence and fosters a strong sense of belonging.With the support from staff, children learn new skills and have a go at trying new activities. For example, staff teach the children to knit and crochet.

Children show high levels of perseverance, concentration and pride as they master their newly acquired skill. Staff continually praise and encourage the children, which boosts their confidence and motivates them to have a go at all activities.Staff ensure that children can play and explore in a safe environment.

They risk assess the premises daily and ensure toys and equipment are safe to use. Furthermore, staff teach the children why certain rules are in place. For example, they chat to the children about the importance of registering at the start of the session and explain to them the importance to sit at the table when eating their snack.

This helps children to learn the rules of the club and consistently promotes their safety.Staff have established secure routines. For example, children help themselves at snack time and make their own sandwiches, they wash their hands before meal times, wait their turn and help at tidy up time.

This promotes children's developing social skills and independence successfully.Partnership working with the local school is exemplary. School and club staff meet up termly to discuss topics the children are learning at school.

The club has implemented an 'Enrichment plan' to extend this learning further, such as online safety and healthy eating. Furthermore, staff exchange appropriate information with the school to support the children in their care.Parents report that they are extremely happy with the care that their children receive and that they enjoy their time at the club.

They comment that the club is very inclusive and that children have the opportunity to take part in a vast range of activities. The provider gathers valuable information from parents, such as medical and dietary requirements before children start. Staff exchange important information with parents, so they are aware of their children's day and to provide continuity of care.

The manager and provider lead the club with a strong sense of direction. They provide staff with robust training and supervisions on a regular basis and are committed to providing high-quality care. Staff complete professional training courses on an ongoing basis which enables them support the children in their care.

They speak highly of the manager and provider and report that they feel well supported and that their input is valued.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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