Wyke Community and Children’s Centre Limited

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About Wyke Community and Children’s Centre Limited

Name Wyke Community and Children’s Centre Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Huddersfield Road, Wyke, Bradford, BD12 8AA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bradford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Leaders and staff go above and beyond to provide children with the individual support that they need to reach their full potential. For example, staff take the time to get to know children and their families from their starting points.

Staff meticulously gather detailed information from parents about their children and use this to shape children's learning experiences from the beginning. Leaders and staff work tirelessly to ensure children have the best start in life. Children benefit from the ambitious curriculum and learning experiences staff plan for them.

They immerse themselves completely in activities led ...by adults and during independent play. Staff are skilled at facilitating children's learning. They use their excellent questioning skills and quality interactions to help children build on their knowledge and skills over time.

As a result, children flourish and make excellent rates of progress in their all-round development. Children thrive under the care of the attentive leaders and staff team. They show high levels of confidence and self-esteem and demonstrate that they feel safe and secure in the setting.

Children prosper due to the nurturing and caring relationships staff build with them. Staff act as excellent role models for children, with their warm and welcoming approach. They have high expectations of children's behaviour and reinforce rules and boundaries consistently.

As a result, the learning environment is calm, and children know what is expected of them. Children regulate their emotions extremely well and are kind, caring and considerate towards others. They share, take turns and cooperate during group activities and play well together during independent play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff rigorously monitor children's learning and development. They regularly complete observations and assessments to monitor children's progress. They use their assessments to identify the next steps of children's learning targets.

They plan targeted interventions and educational programmes that help to build on what children already know and can do, over time. Children are very well prepared for their next stages of learning and eventual move to school.The setting is highly inclusive.

Leaders and staff work collaboratively with parents and external professionals to ensure there is early intervention for children who require additional support. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make excellent rates of progress from their starting points.Partnership working with parents is exceptional.

Leaders and staff have regular discussions with parents about their child's progress. They meet regularly with parents to discuss their child's development and include them in making decisions about what their child learns next. Leaders and staff have created a learning library, which includes a wide range of learning resources and books that parents can use with their children at home.

They hold regular coffee mornings and drop-in sessions, where parents can access information, advice and support from the setting and external professionals.Children are well supported to develop their communication and language skills. Staff's spoken language is clear and concise.

They use simple language and encourage children who are developing their emerging speech and language skills to repeat sounds and words back. They provide a language-rich environment and running commentary during children's play. Staff working with older children ask them about what they are doing and why.

This helps to build children's confidence in their speaking and communication skills.Children develop a real love for reading. They thoroughly enjoy listening to stories staff read to them during group reading time.

Staff encourage children to answer questions about what is happening in the story and to join in with repeated refrains. Staff help to bring books to life, and children engage in stimulating role play activities, acting out familiar stories. Staff provide books that cover the different topics children are learning about to extend their knowledge and skills.

This helps to broaden children's vocabulary and challenges their thinking.Children thoroughly enjoy playing outdoors in the fresh air. They have plenty of opportunities to develop their coordination, balance, spatial awareness and gross motor skills while using balance bikes, trikes and scooters.

Children learn how to keep themselves and others safe while riding around and navigating the outdoor space safely. This helps to prepare children for their future learning and eventual move to school.Leaders continually monitor staff's performance through regularly observing their practice.

They provide staff with targeted professional development opportunities that help to maintain the very high standards and quality of teaching. Staff have recently undertaken training in relation to 'intensive interactions' and 'supporting children's emotional well-being'. They have implemented what they have learned extremely well into their practice.

This has helped to further enrich children's learning, particularly their social skills and emotional development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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