Y-Kids Redhill

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About Y-Kids Redhill

Name Y-Kids Redhill
Address YMCA Sports and Community Centre, Princes Road, Redhill, RH1 6JJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time in the setting. They engage enthusiastically in a wide range of activities that staff plan around their interests.

For example, children immerse themselves in play with toy dinosaurs, acting out stories from their vivid imaginations. The manager and staff strongly value children's views and take these into account at every possible opportunity. Children rate their experiences and indicate how they feel about the activities they participate in.

The manager uses this information carefully to assess the effectiveness of practice, to ensure that children have the best possible experiences i...n the setting.Staff show skill in supporting children in their personal, social and emotional development. Children quickly become confident to join in with group games and to express their ideas.

Staff cleverly encourage children to interact with other children and to form new friendships. For instance, they notice what children have achieved and welcome them to help others manage this too. Children show each other how to fix armour onto the dinosaurs and beam with pride as they do this.

Children of differing ages treat each other with great respect and all play together happily. Staff take great care in finding out about each child's background, interests and experiences. They successfully help children to understand what makes them unique.

This includes through ensuring their home languages and backgrounds are celebrated in the setting.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Parents have great opportunities to be involved in the setting. The manager frequently asks for feedback and uses their ideas eagerly in the changes she makes to improve practice.

For example, parents' ideas were put into practice when designing a new and much-appreciated outdoor play area. Staff communicate effectively with parents to ensure they understand the experiences their children have had daily.Staff support children extremely well in their personal development.

Children show high levels of independence as they frequently lead their own experiences. They confidently make choices about the resources they play with or the activities they participate in. Children understand how to keep themselves healthy.

They help themselves to drinks of water and discuss in detail the best way to wash germs off their hands before eating.Staff value children's thoughts and opinions greatly. They always listen to children's ideas and skilfully help children to recognise that opinions differ.

Children learn to respect the views of their friends. For example, when children state how they feel about different vegetables, staff lead a discussion where all children discuss which vegetables they like the most and sensitively compare their thoughts.Children demonstrate that they feel safe, secure and happy.

They confidently communicate with the staff, who they form lovely relationships with. Children play and explore intently. They frequently use critical thinking skills to solve problems that arise in their play.

For example, children concentrate intensely as they join pieces of spaghetti with play dough to make structures.Staff benefit from excellent programmes for professional development. Training is focused precisely on improving practice in areas where managers feel staff most need support to enhance the quality of the provision.

For example, staff have recently benefitted from training in how they can better use the resources available to help children develop confidence. Staff feel very well supported in their professional development. They greatly value the benefit of the well-structured and informative performance management systems offered by the manager.

Managers support staff to gain new skills and qualifications, including by providing wide experiences where they can learn how to best support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.The manager strives to improve practice continually and to build on the high standards of provision. She monitors practice with care to pinpoint areas for improvement.

She plans changes meticulously to ensure that every aspect of practice supports children in their personal, social and emotional development. She demonstrates this when she explains how the layout of the building was changed to enable more flexibility in the times children can be collected without causing disruption to the children who stay for longer sessions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager ensures that all staff fully understand the setting's safeguarding policies and procedures. Staff demonstrate confidence when they discuss the signs that may indicate that a child's welfare is at risk. They understand what to do if a concern arises.

The manager works in close partnership with a range of professionals, including staff in the schools children attend, to ensure children's well-being and to provide support for families when they need it. Staff empower children to learn how to manage their own safety. For example, they teach them about the risks connected with internet use and guide them on how to stay safe online.

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