Ainderby Steeple Church of England Primary School

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About Ainderby Steeple Church of England Primary School

Name Ainderby Steeple Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rachel Peart
Address Station Lane, Morton-on-Swale, Northallerton, DL7 9QR
Phone Number 01609773519
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 83
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Ainderby Steeple Church of England Primary School is a nurturing and caring school. Recent changes to senior leadership have brought the whole school together. High aspirations for all pupils are clear.

The school vision, 'together we love, learn and grow', developed by new leaders, is shared by the whole school community.

Pupils are proud to attend here. They enjoy many aspects of school and feel safe.

Pupils say great teachers and great friendships are key to this. Leaders and pupils say that bullying can occasionally happen. However, adults across school take swift action to stop it.

The recent changes in expectations of pupil behaviour in school ...have benefited everyone. Pupils recognise this improvement.

Leaders' revised focus to develop a curriculum where all pupils excel is evident.

The progress pupils make against the aims of the new curriculum is variable. Leaders recognise that there is still more work to be done to provide a consistently good quality of education.

Staff know the pupils well and parents value recent changes made and the ethos of the school.

One parent shared, 'Children are well known as individuals and there is a sense of community and school spirit, which has made our children feel like part of a family.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Having recently recognised weaknesses in areas of the curriculum, leaders have made a rapid start to raising standards across school. Their vision for a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils is clear.

Aspects of school improvement identify the right actions needed to further strengthen the quality of education. However, several aspects of curriculum development, especially in wider curriculum subjects, are in the early stages of implementation. The impact of the recent changes is yet to be realised.

Phonics teaching is delivered with consistency and has a high priority within the school. Pupils start phonic lessons from the very start of their time here. Children in the two- and three-year-old provision enjoy learning which is linked to key books.

Leaders ensure that the foundations for reading are clear. Most pupils have reading books well matched to their phonic knowledge. This is beginning to support fluency and accuracy with reading as well as enjoyment.

Younger pupils thoroughly enjoy daily story time. Older pupils are less enthusiastic about reading. Leaders have recently developed a reading spine to broaden pupils' knowledge and understanding of books and authors.

In mathematics, leaders have developed a curriculum that clearly builds up the steps pupils need to be successful in this subject. Using external support, leaders are beginning to think about how to support pupils who need to catch up. However, some pupils who need extra support in mathematics do not always get the help they need.

Pupils enjoy mathematics lessons. They talk confidently about how adults in school help them with their learning in mathematics lessons.

Subject leaders have planned a curriculum that builds knowledge and skills.

The planned curriculum for all subjects starts in early years. Children in the early years show focus and enthusiasm in their learning. Adults working with them develop pupils' communication skills effectively.

Although leaders have identified the key knowledge and skills to be taught in lessons, beyond English and mathematics the quality of the taught curriculum varies across school. Learning in lessons and books does not always reflect the high ambition of the planned curriculum. Assessment opportunities do not consistently match curriculum aims.

Curriculum leaders' quality assurance of the curriculum is not consistently identifying further areas in need of development.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from experienced leaders. They are knowledgeable about ways to meet the needs of pupils and how to work well with other professionals.

Pupils with SEND are supported in a range of ways to engage fully in school life.

There is a new, clear and consistent approach to managing behaviour. Pupils know and understand this clearly.

The rules 'be ready, be respectful and be safe' are known by everyone. Pupils are eager to share the rewards that they achieve in school. Pupils who may make poor choices are given the opportunity to put things right.

Pupils enjoy school and they know how well the adults in school care for them.

Opportunities for pupil leadership have recently been established. The school council, health and safety team and mental health champions are rightfully proud of the work they do.

Leaders are re-establishing links with the local community to develop enrichment opportunities further. The personal, social and health education curriculum (PSHE) is effectively preparing pupils for life beyond school. Older pupils recognise democracy in action.

They understand how to keep themselves safe in a variety of ways.

Staff feel fully supported by new leaders. Workload is well considered in this small school.

Those responsible for governance also ensure that leaders are well supported, using external support where necessary for training and development. Stakeholders, such as trustees, recognise the rapid work the new leaders have put in place to ensure that pupils benefit from a clearer curriculum offer and are kept safe.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Senior leaders have taken swift action to ensure that pupils are safeguarded effectively. Leaders responsible for safeguarding keep timely and detailed records.They are tenacious in ensuring that the correct support is sought for pupils.

Staff and stakeholders receive appropriate training. Staff are vigilant to local issues that might impact pupils. Staff are clear on how to escalate concerns.

Safeguarding is a clear focus when recruiting adults to work with pupils.

Pupils feel safe in school. They work with different adults and are confident that all staff know how to keep them safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils' learning in some wider curriculum subjects does not match the aims of the teaching plans. Where this happens, pupils are often not benefiting from learning activities that are well matched to the aims of the curriculum and their stage of learning. Leaders should support teachers to strengthen the implementation of wider foundation subjects.

• The assessment of what pupils know and remember in wider curriculum subjects does not consistently align with the aims and outcomes set out by curriculum leaders. As a result, precisely what pupils know and remember is not fully understood by staff. Leaders must ensure that the assessment of learning matches the planned curriculum to help build pupils' knowledge and skills over time.

• Curriculum leaders' monitoring of the curriculum does not routinely identify where pupils' experiences in lessons fall short of curriculum expectations. This is particularly the case in the wider curriculum. Senior leaders should support curriculum leaders to effectively monitor the learning experiences in their subjects.

• There is limited support for pupils who fall behind in mathematics. As such, pupils who have gaps in their learning are not supported to catch up as quickly as they can. Leaders should ensure that opportunities for pupils to catch up in mathematics are planned and implemented.

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