Edward Heneage Primary Academy

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About Edward Heneage Primary Academy

Name Edward Heneage Primary Academy
Website http://www.edwardheneage.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Dominique Osborne
Address Edward Street, Grimsby, DN32 9HL
Phone Number 01472320016
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 249
Local Authority North East Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The principal has taken effective action since the last inspection. Her relentless drive has led to rapid improvements across all aspects of school life.

The multi-academy trust has provided effective support. The high-quality training the trust has arranged has improved the effectiveness of senior and middle leaders. Trustees have made strategic decisions to accelerate the rate of improvement.

They appointed skilful professionals to the academy scrutiny committee. Governors have continued to provide effective challenge. The quality of teaching has improved since the last inspection and is now good.

This has resulted in most pupi...ls making good or better progress in English and mathematics. The teaching of phonics is consistently strong. Teachers all follow the phonics scheme to the letter and reading books are well matched to pupils' knowledge and skills.

This is building pupils' confidence as early readers. Leaders use assessment information precisely. Strategies to help key stage 2 pupils achieve greater depth in reading are working well.

Leaders have introduced a new method for the teaching of writing. This is used consistently by all teachers. As a result, a greater proportion of pupils are now writing at the expected standard.

Teaching of mathematics has also improved. Most pupils are now making good or better progress in mathematics. Teachers' expectations of the most able mathematicians, however, are not always high enough.

Leaders have begun to improve the quality of teaching and learning across the wider curriculum. However, this is at an earlier stage of development. The standards pupils are achieving is variable across different subjects.

In early years, high-quality areas of learning are very well planned and resourced. This is helping children make good or better progress in Nursery and Reception. Leaders have designed a curriculum that raises pupils' aspirations.

This is helping pupils make good progress in their personal development. Pupils are polite and well mannered. They behave well in lessons and around the school.

Most pupils also behave well at lunchtime, although a small minority of pupils do not. Some parents and carers are concerned about this.

Information about this school

This school is part of the David Ross Education Trust.

The board of trustees is accountable for the school's performance. The scheme of delegation is published on the school's website. The board of trustees has appointed governors to a local academy scrutiny committee to challenge leaders about curriculum and standards.

This committee reports to the board of trustees. The multi-academy trust has provided intensive support to the school since it was most recently judged to be inadequate in 2017. The school includes pupils from eight out of 17 possible ethnic groups.

Most pupils are of White British heritage. More than half of pupils are disadvantaged. This is much higher than the national average and within the top 20% of all schools.

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