Maids Moreton Church of England School

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About Maids Moreton Church of England School

Name Maids Moreton Church of England School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Keira Ainsworth
Address Avenue Road, Maids Moreton, MK18 1QA
Phone Number 01280812058
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 72
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Every pupil is known and valued as an individual here.

As a result, they flourish in all aspects of their learning. Staff set high expectations for what pupils should achieve and how they should behave. Pupils exert every effort to meet these expectations.

Their behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. Leaders ensure that their aspirations are equally high for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Personalised provision ensures that these pupils make the most of every opportunity, and they thrive as a result.

Pupils are enthusiastic about coming to school and trying their best. In early years, highly skilled staff e...nsure that children encounter interesting challenges. The demanding curriculum helps children to build their confidence and determination.

Pupils talk positively about the 'family feel' of the school. They feel safe and secure here. If they are worried about bullying, or see something online which upsets them, they are confident in talking to teachers.

The family ethos extends to the local community as well. Pupils visit local care home residents, read with them, and learn to cook alongside them. These opportunities are highly valued by the pupils as a chance to give back to their community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils achieve highly throughout the school. Their journey to success begins in the early years, where teachers make sure that children make the strongest possible start. Staff combine creative and imaginative activities with strong routines for children.

As a result, children are fully prepared for moving into key stage 1. This success is sustained at every stage. Leaders also make sure that they identify pupils with SEND early in their time in school.

Leaders have designed the curriculum to enable pupils to excel. They have used the expansion of the school as a catalyst for enhancing the programme of learning. Staff develop expertise about what and how pupils should learn.

The skilful use of assessment is a vital part of this. Staff report that leaders focus on making the biggest difference for pupils.

Teachers build pupils' knowledge in a logical order, including in mixed-age classes.

This is because teachers have a detailed understanding of what each pupil needs next in their learning. For pupils who are at risk of falling behind, staff provide useful support sessions. These strengthen pupils' vocabulary and help them to gain confidence.

Teachers explain ideas and tasks clearly. As a result, the work pupils produce is of high quality. For example, projects in design and technology allow pupils to innovate and evaluate strongly.

They are proud of the inventive vehicles and recipes they create.

Children in Reception learn to read rapidly. As well as gaining knowledge of phonics, they become fluent and expressive in their reading.

Staff listen to weaker readers frequently and provide rapid support for those who need to catch up. Older pupils who need help with reading are also supported well, including with books which are suited to their interests. In reading and in other subjects, disadvantaged pupils achieve the best possible outcomes.

Leaders' work to improve attendance is exemplary. Staff work closely with families to understand and overcome the barriers to attendance. When pupils return to school, they catch up swiftly thanks to additional support.

Leaders have instilled a strong culture of learning. Pupils learn to sustain their focus in class. This enables pupils to get the most out of their lesson time.

The wider development opportunities provided by the school really enhance pupils' experiences. Leaders are systematic in considering how visits and workshops will enable pupils to extend and deepen their thinking. For example, a trip to a 'safety centre' helps pupils to learn about the risks they encounter.

Visits to local National Trust locations broaden their cultural horizons. Leaders ensure that disadvantaged pupils benefit substantially from these experiences. There are subsidised places at a wide range of clubs and activities offered at the school.

Through these wider opportunities, pupils build their resilience and determination excellently.

Pupils develop a strong understanding of important issues, such as mental health and well-being. They become strong advocates for tolerance and fair treatment.

Teachers deliver this learning with careful thought about the combined year group classes. As needs emerge in pupils' lives, leaders sensitively help pupils to explore these issues, such as changes in family life. 'Nurture sessions' are provided for pupils who may find certain topics difficult.

Governors understand their roles clearly. They are skilled at challenging leaders, as well as providing support. Governors have a secure understanding of the development of the school.

This is based on regular visits to assure themselves of the accuracy of leaders' reports. Leaders and staff build strong relationships with parents through workshops, newsletters and association meetings. This strengthens the sense of community within the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are vigilant about the potential risks that pupils may face. Throughout the curriculum, pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations.

All staff know how to report concerns. As a result, leaders are able to identify swiftly any pupils who might be at risk.

Leaders work diligently with external agencies to secure extra help for pupils who need it.

Where necessary, leaders provide challenge to get the right support in place. Governors provide effective oversight of leaders' safeguarding actions. This includes assuring themselves that the single central record is up to date.

Also at this postcode
S4A Group Ltd @ Maids Moreton Maids Moreton Pre-School

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