Newton Blossomville Church of England School

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About Newton Blossomville Church of England School

Name Newton Blossomville Church of England School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emma Wallace
Address Newton Blossomville, Turvey, Bedford, MK43 8AL
Phone Number 01234881294
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-7
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 16
Local Authority Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Newton Blossomville Church of England School receive a remarkable start to their education.

They quickly become inquisitive, independent thinkers with a palpable enthusiasm for learning. The school takes every opportunity to provide a wealth of rich experiences for every child. As a result, pupils love coming to school, and they enjoy being with their friends and contributing to engaging lessons.

They are kind and respectful. One pupil commented, 'Everyone is welcome in our school.'

The school has very high expectations of pupils and what they can achieve.

Because of this, pupils work hard in lessons and demonstrate exemplary behaviours in... and around the school. Pupils show a determination to keep trying and display a high level of focus. As a result, they achieve exceptionally highly across the curriculum.

Pupils benefit from a rich set of experiences, which enables them to appreciate their community and the wider world. The school is at the heart of the community. Pupils participate in many local events, such as raising money for local charities, singing at the 'Cherry Fair', and running in the community pancake race.

Pupils are inspired to explore the natural environment around them through forest school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school gets children off to an exceptional start in early years. Staff skilfully support children to develop excellent communication and language skills.

Interactions are high quality and continuously extend children's learning and interests. Staff are swift to get to know the children, and this helps them to learn routines quickly, so they grow in confidence from the start. The school develops a comprehensive understanding of children's needs before they start school.

The approach supports the early and accurate identification of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).The school is determined that all pupils will quickly become fluent readers and enjoy a range of books. Staff are exceptionally well trained so that the teaching of phonics is precise and accurate.

Teachers act quickly to support any pupils who struggle with reading, enabling them to catch up swiftly. Pupils' books precisely match the sounds they are learning. They skilfully use their knowledge of phonics to develop fluency when reading to an adult.

Pupils relish the books the teachers read to them. They recall with excitement the stories they have enjoyed.

The school has established a highly developed curriculum.

It sets out the precise knowledge, skills and vocabulary pupils will learn. The school has considered carefully the key content that pupils need to revisit to help them build learning over time. Staff continually check what pupils have learned and use this information to inform future teaching.

Pupils with SEND are well supported by skilled adults, which enables them to access and learn across the full curriculum. All pupils benefit from a well-crafted and resourced learning environment. Pupils' strong engagement in lessons results in high-quality work, so they achieve exceptionally highly across the curriculum.

They become confident and articulate learners. Staff ensure that there are no barriers to learning. Because of this, behaviour is exemplary.

Pupils listen to adults and each other, demonstrating high levels of respect at all times.

Pupils' personal development is exceptional. Leaders ensure that there is a wealth of well-planned trips and visits that all pupils attend.

Planned trips link to the curriculum, and pupils can explain how what they have learned connects to learning at school. Teachers make the most of the unique environment around them, often taking pupils on local history walks. Pupils love taking part in the many activities outside.

They relish activities to develop their teamwork and can name a host of trees and identify dangerous plants. They know the importance of looking after the environment and protecting nature from harm. Recent trips to a solar farm have supported this learning.

Staff ensure that pupils' character is developed through recognising talents and celebrating them together. Pupils gain confidence through sharing these talents with their peers.

Leaders have ambitious expectations for all and are constantly introducing enhancements to the school.

They are, however, mindful of staff workload and create collaborative ways of working across the federation to support this. Staff recognise the support provided and the actions that leaders take to care for their well-being. As a result, they love working at the school.

Governors understand their roles clearly. They are adept at challenging leaders while offering a strong level of support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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