Sidlesham Primary School

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About Sidlesham Primary School

Name Sidlesham Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sophia Koiston
Address Keynor Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester, PO20 7NL
Phone Number 01243641238
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 139
Local Authority West Sussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders' effective actions have halted a decline in standards since the last inspection. The new headteacher and his team are building successfully on the school's existing strengths. Pupils are keen to learn.

They respond well to teachers' clear and high expectations. They make effective use of adults' support, which ensures they know how to improve. As a result, pupils are currently making good progress.

Teachers plan learning that develops pupils' prior knowledge, skills and understanding successfully over time. The most able pupils are not routinely challenged as much as they could be. Leaders keep a careful check on standards of teac...hing in the school.

They hold staff to account for the difference their work makes to pupils' achievements. They ensure that training and support for staff are timely and useful. Pupils enjoy a suitably broad curriculum that takes advantage of the school's rural setting.

Leaders keep the curriculum under review and aspire to enhance it further. Recent improvements to sports provision are welcomed by pupils and parents and carers alike. Children enjoy their experience in early years.

New leaders are working effectively to develop the quality of provision further. They work closely with parents to ensure that children's learning needs are met promptly. Pupils are kind and thoughtful.

Almost all behave extremely well. The very small number with more challenging behaviour are increasingly positive in their responses. This is because their needs are met carefully and sensitively by adults.

Leaders' actions have successfully improved pupils' rates of attendance, which are now above average. The proportion of pupils who are persistently absent is declining over time. Governors have strengthened their work in recent times.

Collectively, they have suitable skills and experience for their role. Governors' renewed challenge to leaders is effective in supporting ongoing school improvement. Pupils have not made consistently strong progress since they joined the school.

Consequently, they do not currently achieve as well as they should by the end of key stage 2. Pupils' progress has improved in recent months and is now good. This is helping them to catch up from their underperformance in the past.

Information about this school

Sidlesham Primary School is smaller than the average-sized maintained primary school. Currently, except in Year 6, pupils are taught in mixed-age classes. The headteacher joined the school in September 2018.

The previous headteacher had retired in April 2018. An interim headteacher led the school during the summer term. Most pupils are of White British origin.

A very small proportion of pupils are believed to speak English as an additional language. The percentage of pupils with SEND, including those with an education, health and care plan, is well below the national average. The school is in an area of low social deprivation.

Half as many pupils are eligible for the pupil premium than is the case nationally. There is a breakfast and after-school club called 'Hummingbirds', which caters for a small number of pupils. It opened in September 2018 and is run by school staff.

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