Westfield School

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About Westfield School

Name Westfield School
Website http://www.westfield.newcastle.sch.uk
Headmaster Mr Neil Walker
Address Oakfield Road, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE3 4HS
Phone Number 01912553980
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 3-18
Religious Character Christian
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 209
Local Authority Newcastle upon Tyne
Boarding Type Day
Day Fees £3,679 to £5,562

Westfield provides a first class education for girls aged 3-18 on one site in the leafy suburb of Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne. Great emphasis is placed on combining academic excellence with educating the whole person and each girl achieving to the very best of her ability. The atmosphere is warm, caring and happy, with small teaching groups enabling every girl to receive close individual attention. Westfield produces happy, confident pupils ready to face a world of opportunity and adventure.

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