Whitley Abbey Primary School

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About Whitley Abbey Primary School

Name Whitley Abbey Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mr Robbie Walker
Address Ashington Grove, Whitley, Coventry, CV3 4DE
Phone Number 02476303392
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 409
Local Authority Coventry
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Whitley Abbey Primary School is a happy, friendly place. Whether pupils are new to the school or the country, they are quickly made to feel welcome.

Pupils are proud of their school. Leaders want the very best for every pupil. They have implemented a range of changes that are having a positive impact on pupils' achievement.

Pupils respond positively to leaders' expectations of behaviour and behave well. They know that there is always a trusted adult to talk to if they have a concern. Older pupils support younger pupils in school.

From trips and clubs to roles and responsibilities, there is plenty on offer. For example, older pupils are looking forward to thei...r residential trip. Younger pupils visit local museums and enjoy a trip to the beach.

Pupil digital leaders present to parents and carers on e-safety.

Pupils are prepared for life beyond school and in modern Britain, for example through links to an international engineering company and local universities.

There are opportunities to discuss important issues.

For example, pupils debate current affairs and social issues in assemblies before voting. Junior leaders work with school leaders on school improvement. Pupils enjoy being awarded the 'band of excellence' for going above and beyond.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are clear about the strengths and challenges faced by the school, including the impact of recent staff turnover. They have managed changes well and have a clear vision to bring about improvements. They know that changes to the curriculum have not had time to impact fully on pupils' results.

However, as staffing settles, changes are bearing fruit.

Leaders have overhauled the curriculum. They have identified key 'curriculum drivers', which aim to develop well-rounded citizens with high aspirations for their future.

In all subjects, important learning is identified from early years through to Year 6. Clear plans set out what to teach and when. These help teachers to deliver lessons that enable pupils to build on prior learning.

There are regular checks on what pupils can do. Teachers use these checks to identify gaps and ensure that pupils understand the basics before moving on to learn new concepts. However, in a small number of subjects, new subject leaders do not yet have the expertise to be able to check how well their curriculum plans are being implemented.

Through carefully thought-out adjustments and support, teachers ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, access the same learning. For example, in history, pupils have access to word banks and additional images that help them to understand new ideas. Pupils' additional needs are identified swiftly, and leaders ensure that the right support is in place.

A structured phonics programme supports pupils who are at the early stages of learning to read. However, there are some small inconsistencies in the way that this is delivered, mainly due to changes in staffing. In a small number of cases, pupils do not practise their reading regularly enough using books that match the sounds they know.

That said, teachers' checks on how well pupils are learning to read identify pupils who are falling behind, and support is put in place.

There have been some much-needed improvements to early years. Routines and expectations are established quickly, and leaders ensure that activities support children in learning the right things.

There are opportunities and resources to access learning across all areas, and leaders have developed the outdoor learning environment. Leaders have ensured that there is a rich and varied curriculum through which children can identify themselves in the world. However, leaders have not yet made sure that they build in regular enough checks on what children can do or use their checks to adapt subsequent learning so that children's achievements increase over time.

The wider personal development programme is well thought out. The 'Everyone DOES' pledge ensures that pupils experience a wide range of opportunities. From observing the night sky to finding out what happens to a letter after it is posted, leaders plan activities to inspire.

Visits to local places of worship help pupils to understand different faiths. Pupils celebrate and value difference. A world map displayed in the school helps pupils to understand where some of their friends have come from.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. For example, they enter assembly quietly following well-established routines. There are warm, respectful relationships between staff and pupils, and teachers gently remind pupils of the expectations when needed.

Leaders have worked hard to improve attendance. They know that there is still some work to do so that parents understand the importance of pupils attending regularly.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders know pupils and their families well. They are alert to local and current risks and adapt their curriculum to ensure that pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe, including when online. Pupils are confident in reporting concerns to trusted adults or through an online worry box.

Well-trained and diligent leaders ensure that all staff receive up-to-date safeguarding training. There are robust systems in place for recording any concerns, and leaders follow these up swiftly. Leaders engage external support when needed and work well with outside agencies.

The required checks are carried out on adults who work in school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some subject leaders are new to their role. In a small number of subjects, they do not check on the implementation of the intended curriculum and evaluate its impact.

Leaders should continue to develop subject leaders' knowledge and skills to enable them to carry out their roles effectively. ? Some staff do not closely follow leaders' planned approach to teaching phonics or hearing pupils read. This leads to inconsistencies in how phonics is delivered and how pupils practise their skills.

Leaders should ensure that all staff are supported to follow the phonics programme consistently and to listen to pupils reading books that are matched to their ability. ? Leaders do not always use the information they collect about how children are learning in early years to inform subsequent teaching, and therefore some children are not achieving as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that checks on what children can do are part of routine practice and used to shape teaching so that children build on learning over time.

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