Woodlawn School

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About Woodlawn School

Name Woodlawn School
Website http://www.woodlawn.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Gill Wilson
Address Drumoyne Gardens, West Monkseaton, Whitley Bay, NE25 9DL
Phone Number 01916432590
Phase Special
Type Foundation special school
Age Range 2-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 155
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and Pupils

This is a good school The headteacher's strong and inspirational leadership has ensured that Woodlawn School has made rapid improvements. It now provides a good education for its pupils.

She is ably supported by a cohesive team that is passionate about improving outcomes for its pupils. As a result of outstanding leadership, the school is improving at a pace. The curriculum is skilfully adapted to meet the needs and interests of all students.

It successfully promotes their understanding of British values, preparing them well for life in modern Britain. Senior leaders regularly check that the quality of teaching is of a high standard. They ensure that a good ra...nge of training opportunities extend teachers' skills.

As a result, the quality of teaching and learning is good. Leaders are working to ensure that any low expectation in teaching is eliminated so that more pupils make the rapid and sustained progress of which they are capable. Behaviour in and around the school is outstanding.

Pupils show awareness of the impact of their behaviours on others. They have an excellent understanding of right and wrong and respond very well to the school's rewards systems. The progress that pupils make is assessed well in English and mathematics.

However, the new assessment system being developed by leaders is not yet able to support teachers to use the information to help them plan for the next steps in learning in other subjects across the curriculum. Students in key stage 4 and the sixth form are successful in a wide range of qualifications. They benefit from having access to work experience which is well suited to their needs, interests and abilities.

School leaders are developing the curriculum and teaching in the sixth form to promote even better progress rates for all pupils, including the most able. School leaders ensure that pupils are well prepared for the next stages in their education or employment. Leaders work well with other providers and agencies in order to ensure that plans are in place for when pupils leave school.

The school is very well supported by the local authority and held in high regard by parents. The school ensures that pupils are kept safe, and that the strong relationships with families and outside agencies support pupils beyond the school gates.

Information about this school

The school provides education for pupils with a range of special educational needs, including moderate learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, physical and medical disabilities and sensory impairments.

All pupils attending the school have an education, health and care plan or are under assessment for a plan. A multi-disciplinary team, which includes speech and language, physiotherapy and health professionals is based at the school. The proportion of pupils looked after by local authorities and those supported by pupil premium is much higher than average.

Most pupils are White British. A small proportion speak English as an additional language. Pupils are organised into class groups based on area of primary need and compatibility with their peers.

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