Ysgol Glan Gele

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About Ysgol Glan Gele

Name Ysgol Glan Gele
Address Ffordd Y Morfa, Abergele, LL22 7NU
Phone Number 01745 823584
Phase Nursery & Infants
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 297 (50.5% boys 49.5% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 20.4
Local Authority Conwy
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Ysgol Glan Gele is an inclusive, caring community where everyone's well-being is a priority.

This is a strong feature of the school. This supportive and warm atmosphere helps nearly all pupils settle into school life easily and contributes significantly to pupils' engagement in school and their readiness to learn. The positive working relationships between pupils and staff encourage all pupils to show a responsible attitude in lessons and demonstrate excellent behaviour around the school.

During their time at the school, most pupils make good progress in their learning from their individual starting points, including those pupils with additional learning needs (ALN). The school provides a wide range of support for pupils, ...and skilful teaching assistants provide useful help in dedicated sessions to address emotional and learning needs. The school works closely with a wide range of agencies including health and social care to support pupils and their families.

This collaborative approach enables pupils to engage appropriately in their learning. Leaders and teachers have developed a curriculum that reflects the principles of the Curriculum for Wales. They use immersion days to ignite pupils' interests in their work and allow opportunities for them to contribute their ideas about what they would like to learn.

The school provides a broad and balanced range of learning experiences. This includes a wide choice of exciting extra-curricular activities and a variety of educational visits, that enrich the curriculum. Many staff use questioning well to develop pupils' knowledge and understanding.

However, teachers do not always provide pupils with activities that meet pupils' learning needs closely enough or challenge them suitably. Opportunities for pupils to engage in effective outdoor learning are underdeveloped. Leaders and staff share a purposeful vision for the school.

They work together well to ensure that the school is successful in its aims. The governing body has a strong understanding of the strengths of the school and works effectively with the headteacher, staff, pupils and parents to support ongoing improvement. Recommendations R1 Further develop learning experiences to meet the needs of all pupils and to provide sufficient challenge in learning across the curriculum R2 Improve the provision for outdoor learning What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

Also at this postcode
Ysgol Glan Morfa St Elfod Junior School

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