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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Leaders and managers have focused on developing the key-person system to ensure staff really know their children well. Settling-in procedures are successful.
They provide a flexible approach to ensure the children settle well. Staff develop a secure relationship with their key children. For instance, they take responsibility for children's personal care needs throughout the day.
Staff support children in becoming independent. For example, they support babies during mealtimes and encourage them to feed themselves. Staff praise older children who persevere with practising simple tasks such as doing up their coat.
.../>Staff provide opportunities, both indoors and outdoors, for children to develop their physical skills, such as climbing up the steps of the slide. Staff encourage children to develop their hand strength. Children use small tongs to pick up their vegetables during snack time.
Staff help children to learn about their local community. For instance, they go for a walk to the park to pick up litter for international volunteer day. Staff consider children's interests and generally provide exciting and interesting activities.
This helps to motivate and engage children in their learning. However, on occasions, the activity provided does not always sustain children's engagement. Staff encourage children to participate in small groups.
Children learn how to take turns when playing games. Staff praise the children when they share the toys with their friends or follow simple instructions.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers have successfully worked as a team to target the actions identified at the last inspection.
The new manager is enthusiastic and highly motivated. She has used her skills and expertise to successfully lead her team and improve their knowledge and practice through mentoring, monitoring and training. Staff supervision is effective.
Staff confirm they are well supported by their manager, particularly in their well-being.Staff demonstrate a good understanding of the early years curriculum and how young children learn. They observe and assess children's development to identify what children need to learn next.
Staff generally implement successful activities to target the skills and knowledge they want children to learn. However, on occasions, staff do not fully consider exactly what they want children to gain from the experience. For example, they do not always give children time to think and respond when asking them questions, or focus on how they can sustain children's interests for longer.
The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) works in partnership with parents and other professionals. For instance, the setting has formed positive relationships with the local authority inclusion officer. This enables the team to plan targeted support with the parents to help children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to move forward in their development.
Staff are creative and encourage older children to make up their own stories. The children learn to listen to their friends' ideas and develop confidence in their suggestions. Staff sing songs with children during their play to help stimulate their language.
They introduce new words with children during planned activities, such as 'squeeze' and 'splash' during water play. Staff encourage a love of books. A lending library has been set up which enables children to choose books they can take home to share with their parents.
Children who speak English as an additional language are well supported. Staff actively use keywords with children in their home language. This encourages children to have conversations with the staff who care for them, including babies who are beginning to use their words.
Parents confirm they are happy with the care and education their children receive and can see the progress their children make as a result of attending the nursery. Staff provide regular updates on children's care. Developmental assessments are shared with parents so they can also support their children's learning at home.
The manager has recently formed a parents' group to seek their views and to identify how they can be more involved in their child's care and learning. This has prompted opportunities for the nursery staff, parents and children to take part in celebrations throughout the year. Recently, they attended the local fireworks display.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding. The manager regularly assesses staff's knowledge of child protection during her daily room checks.
Staff demonstrate they know how to identify if a child is at risk or harm and the process to make a referral if required, including if they have concerns about the adults working with the children. Staff supervise the children well. For example, they sit close to children who have food allergies to monitor them while they eat.
Staff working with children have the appropriate checks to ensure they are suitable to do so. Robust security prevents unvetted persons from entering the premises.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance the targeted support provided for staff, and continue to make improvements to the delivery of the planned curriculum, focusing on what staff intend children to learn.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.