Chalvey Nursery School & Early Years Centre

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About Chalvey Nursery School & Early Years Centre

Name Chalvey Nursery School & Early Years Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Ladbrooke Road, Chalvey, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 2SR
Phase Nursery
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 109
Local Authority Slough
Highlights from Latest Inspection


Chalvey Nursery School & Early Years Centre has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.

What is it like to attend this school?

Chalvey Nursery School is a happy community where everyone feels welcome, including children in the 'Butterfly Class', the specially resourced provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who have complex needs.

Each day, staff greet families warmly using children's home language to aid communication. Parents and carers rightly value the school very highly. Staff are highly committed to this welcoming ethos.

For example, they lead regular parent workshops and offer ...tailored support for children.

The school's very high expectations are evident in children's meaningful interactions, including with their peers. Children are impeccably behaved.

They are happy because of the fun learning they experience and the many friendships they have formed. Staff use music and singing effectively. This helps children remember important learning and routines.

Staff ensure daily story time fosters children's early love of reading. Children learn repeated refrains and thrill in the build up to the climatic endings.

The school helps children develop important character traits using stories and puppets.

Children learn to be independent and resilient. Highly nurturing staff develop very strong relationships with children. Children know staff will help them if they need it.

Consequently, children develop as confident learners able to access their learning environments successfully.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is highly ambitious. It precisely identifies the key milestones that children are to achieve from the two-year-old provision into the Nursery Year.

Highly skilled key workers manage ongoing checks to ensure staff have an informed understanding of what children need to learn. This helps children to flourish and be exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

The school is particularly skilled at supporting children to secure important spoken language skills.

Children who speak English as an additional language are supported expertly in their home languages to develop confidence in their play and learn English rapidly. Staff listen carefully to what children say in their conversations with them. They repeat these interactions with more complex words with the same meaning that children then use in their own speech.

The provision for physical development is exceptional. Staff develop children's balance and gross motor skills through carefully designed outdoor activities. For example, staff encourage children to build using large objects skilfully and to develop their balance by navigating stepping stones.

Inside, staff ensure children learn to stick and sort objects with tweezers to focus more on fine motor skills. Staff deftly build in opportunities to allow children to write, paint and draw using different equipment.

Staff are adept at building on children's existing knowledge from across the curriculum.

They provide children with memorable and worthwhile learning experiences. For example, the staff hid presents. This promoted counting, matching patterns and early writing in an innovative way.

Staff are especially strong in knowing what children with SEND need help with. Those children who learn in the Butterfly Class have their needs met remarkably well. Staff work closely with parents and external agencies to ensure children are given the help and support they need.

Children with SEND participate fully in all the nursery has to offer.

The school caters exceptionally well for pupils' wider development. Staff interweave opportunities for children to learn about other cultural traditions and faiths in their diverse community.

These differences are celebrated, and children learn to foster empathy and that all are equal. Children learn to stay safe. For example, they can identify how individuals from the emergency services can help them if they need it.

Staff expertly support children to settle quickly into the nursery routines. As a result, children behave exceptionally well throughout the sessions. The school works effectively with families to ensure that children attend the nursery regularly.

This allows children to benefit from the excellent standard of education that the school provides.

The school's leadership, including governors, knows its school exceptionally well. The governors bring valuable expertise to their oversight of the school's work.

They ensure staff are given the support they need to enjoy and do their roles well. Children flourish because they are at the heart of the school's work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.


Until September 2024, on a graded (section 5) inspection we gave schools an overall effectiveness grade, in addition to the key and provision judgements. Overall effectiveness grades given before September 2024 will continue to be visible on school inspection reports and on Ofsted's website. From September 2024 graded inspections will not include an overall effectiveness grade.

This school was, before September 2024, judged to be outstanding for its overall effectiveness.

We have now inspected the school to determine whether it has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at that previous inspection. This is called an ungraded inspection, and it is carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005.

We do not give graded judgements on an ungraded inspection. However, if we find evidence that a school's work has improved significantly or that it may not be as strong as it was at the last inspection, then the next inspection will be a graded inspection. A graded inspection is carried out under section 5 of the Act.

Usually this is within one to two years of the date of the ungraded inspection. If we have serious concerns about safeguarding, behaviour or the quality of education, we will deem the ungraded inspection a graded inspection immediately.

This is the first ungraded inspection since we judged the school to be outstanding for overall effectiveness in July 2019.

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