Dawn until Dusk at Biggleswade Academy

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About Dawn until Dusk at Biggleswade Academy

Name Dawn until Dusk at Biggleswade Academy
Address Biggleswade Academy, Mead End, Biggleswade, SG18 8JU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CentralBedfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Leaders and staff create a warm, friendly and inviting environment for everyone. Children quickly settle into their day, talking to staff and getting to know the other children who are attending. Staff use children's interest and weekly planning meetings to create activities of children's choosing.

As a result, children remain at activities for long periods of time. Staff create an area where children engage in large physical activities such as dancing and football. Staff explain that it is important for children's health and well-being to complete physical activities even when they do not want to spend as much time as usual outsid...e due to the cold weather.

Children attending the holiday club come from a range of schools in the local area. Staff introduce the children to each other in the morning of each session. Staff are skilled at supporting those who are shy or less confident.

They spend time talking to them and join them at activities of their choosing.Staff have realistic expectations of children's behaviour and ensure that all children have a good understanding of the club rules. The youngest children are reminded through their day to share.

Older children discuss the club rules as a group before the day begins.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The club works closely with the attached school to share information, particularly for the wrap-around care provided each school day. Staff talk with class teachers at both drop off and pick up; this ensures continuity for all children.

The provider understands how to work collaboratively with the safeguarding team at the local school, sharing any concerns they may have about children's welfare.The staff team supports the youngest children in the club well. Key-person arrangements are in place and staff spend time getting to know the children from the moment they start.

The separate early years area allows children to confidently make their own choices. This gives them a real sense of belonging at the club. Activities planned across the club are well adapted to meet the needs of the youngest children.

Staff provide a language-rich environment where children's language development flourishes. Staff narrate activities, exposing the youngest children to a wealth of language. Staff ask children appropriate questions.

They leave well-timed gaps for children to think of their answers and use props to aid language where needed. Staff encourage children to talk about their own experiences. For example, as children play with the diggers they talk of their recent visits to the farm where they went on a tractor.

This helps to develop children's language even further.Parent partnerships are good. Parents talk of the good communication they receive from the club.

Parents return to the holiday club each holiday and discuss how much their children enjoy attending. The provider's website and newsletters provide parents with information. They talk about upcoming activities and what their children have completed recently.

Parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) praise the club. Staff talk confidently about the sharing of information about children with SEND and how the leadership team provides training and support to everyone. Children with SEND are welcomed into the club, with adaptations made to the environment and activities to ensure they can join in and have a real sense of belonging.

Staff ensure that children learn how to keep themselves healthy. Children enjoy a healthy breakfast and a hot meal each lunchtime. They have regular access to water and are encouraged to stay hydrated.

The leadership team ensures that children are safe and secure while they are present at the club. Regular risk assessments are completed and accidents are monitored. Adaptations are made to the environment as required.

Staff feel well supported by the leadership team and welcome the opportunity to complete further qualifications.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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