Forsbrook Nursery & Childcare

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About Forsbrook Nursery & Childcare

Name Forsbrook Nursery & Childcare
Ofsted Inspections
Address Blyth Bridge Children Centre, Cheadle Road, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST11 9PW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive and make rapid progress in this inclusive nursery.

Staff provide rich and exciting opportunities for children to learn through play. Children are extremely eager to learn and are highly motivated. They enjoy meeting new challenges and are proud of their achievements.

Children have high levels of confidence in their abilities and in social situations. They eagerly explore the outside area and work together hunting for worms. Children have excellent opportunities to practise their physical skills and use their imagination.

Younger children enjoy rich sensory experiences which make them exc...ited to learn. Older children enthusiastically practise their reading in the 'bedtime' role-play area. Children are visibly happy and well settled and have formed warm and caring attachments with staff.

Children's behaviour is exemplary. They display respect for others and listen attentively to staff. Well-established routines throughout the nursery promote children's independence.

Children confidently make decisions on the direction of their learning. They are encouraged to think for themselves and have a can-do attitude when trying new things. Children are celebrated and treated as individuals by staff.

Children have the freedom to explore and learn. They have lots of fun-filled experiences in a safe and nurturing environment.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff warmly welcome children and parents into the nursery and as a result children are extremely settled and happy.

Staff have a deep understanding of all children's needs. They use accurate assessments of children's progress to plan and deliver consistently challenging and enjoyable activities. As a result, children are making excellent progress.

The manager and staff are extremely passionate about providing children with an exemplary level of care and standard of teaching. Staff hold very high expectations of children. They skilfully take every opportunity to extend conversations and activities to challenge children's thinking.

Children learn about different cultures and faiths within the wider community and the world around them. For example, parents are invited into the nursery to share their cultural backgrounds with the children.The dedicated staff ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are extremely well supported and achieve their full potential.

The additional funding for children in receipt of early years pupil premium is skilfully used with great success.Parents are actively involved in their children's learning. For example, their views and opinions are obtained through comprehensive questionnaires.

The manager values and listens to feedback from parents. This collaboration has led to enhancements to the outdoor area. Parents are invited to attend special events at the nursery with their children, such as a 'Peppa Pig muddy puddle walk'.

Staff have a robust knowledge of how children learn. They provide stimulating and fun experiences that support children to become motivated and inquisitive learners. For example, children delight in making a 'magic potion' from an exciting selection of ingredients.

They practise their pouring skills and test out their ideas. The skilful staff introduce lively music and instruments to enhance babies' listening and communication abilities.Children develop their physical skills in the well-equipped outside area.

Older children skilfully ride on scooters and tricycles. They laugh and chat to each other and pretend to fix the wheels. Younger children in the early stages of walking are encouraged to safely test out their developing physical abilities.

Children are compassionate and respectful of others. They listen attentively to staff and respond positively to directions. Staff support children to solve problems and to be persistent in their efforts.

As a result, children remain focused on activities even when they encounter difficulties. Staff are excellent role models for the children. They consistently encourage and celebrate children's achievements throughout the nursery.

The manager takes an active role within the nursery and fully supports the team of devoted staff. They have received a wide range of training to continually update their already excellent skills and knowledge. The manager has established exceptional links with local primary schools and works closely with teachers.

As a result, children are equipped with skills and ready to flourish at school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff stay up to date on all safeguarding training and, as a result, have excellent and informative knowledge.

They have a clear understanding of the signs and symptoms which could indicate a child is at risk and what procedures to follow to protect children from harm. The manager has robust safeguarding procedures and policies in place, which are effectively implemented by staff. The manager and staff have a broad understanding of wider safeguarding concerns and how to identify and report any concerns.

Also at this postcode
Blythe Bridge High School Forsbrook CofE Controlled Primary School

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