Hinckley Road Nursery

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About Hinckley Road Nursery

Name Hinckley Road Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Dorchester Way, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV2 2NB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Coventry
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are extremely happy and feel safe. They enter the setting eagerly. Staff support children unconditionally and know them well.

They integrate children into the setting using a thorough settling-in process. Children and parents build highly meaningful relationships with key persons. Staff sensitively carry out children's hygiene routines.

This helps children to develop their self-esteem and confidence. Staff embed daily expectations and routines. These include handwashing, using cutlery to eat and brushing teeth with children, who cooperate with extreme familiarity.

Staff teach children to have t...he upmost respect for each other. The nursery has a very clear behaviour management strategy, which is securely understood by staff. Children's behaviour is exemplary.

Children make exceptional progress from their starting points. Staff have high expectations of all children and implement a curriculum that they base on children's required learning and interests. Children access the well-organised, stimulating and cleverly thought-out learning environment.

Staff provide opportunities for children to take managed risks outside. These include forest school activities, such as using a fire pit and a rope swing. This allows children to engage in exciting practical learning.

Children eagerly recall what they have learned previously and can explain it to others with confidence. For example, they talk about pets, including two dogs and a rabbit that visited the setting last week.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership of the setting is meticulous, and the manager strives for the highest quality.

The manager is highly supportive of staff. She operates an open-door policy and addresses any issues with staff practice or performance immediately.The quality of education at this setting is excellent.

Staff implement the curriculum in a unique manner and deliver adult-led group learning spontaneously. This gives children the choice to join or not, but most do and stay because the sessions are highly engaging. Staff monitor children's individual learning continually to ensure excellent progress.

Staff promote children's communication and language development enthusiastically. There is a focus on singing and reading stories, and staff model inspiring interactions during group learning. Children are exposed to new vocabulary and are keen to learn it.

For example, they initiate a conversation with staff about a factual book and listen excitedly to the information they learn.Children have countless opportunities to develop their literacy skills. Staff teach them about rhyming, letter recognition and story structures.

Some children already access a reading book scheme and fully enjoy practising their reading.Personal, social and emotional development is a key focus at this setting. Staff believe that with the correct skills in this area, all future learning is possible.

Children demonstrate an extremely secure understanding of their emotions. They build positive relationships with adults and their peers. They are accomplished and independent in their self-care.

Children are eager to put on their own wellington boots and all-in-one suits to access the mud kitchen.Staff understand children's prior learning experiences and take these into account. They provide rich learning experiences for all children.

These include taking care of the nursery pets or going to the supermarket to shop for ingredients before a cooking activity. Children widen their knowledge of the world extensively.The provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is comprehensive.

Staff act proactively to ensure these children receive excellent support, including working with other professionals. They recognise possible delays in children's development quickly, initiate conversations with parents and implement individual learning plans efficiently. This helps to ensure that children with SEND make rapid progress, given their starting points.

Children learn the importance of being healthy through a wealth of innovative experiences. They have recently harvested their allotment and thoroughly enjoyed tasting different foods and taking them home to share with their families. Staff motivate children to take part in physical exercise specifically to increase heart rates and explain to children why this is essential.

All staff reflect on their practice regularly and use specific assessment tools to improve the environment. The manager prides herself on improving outcomes for children. She featured in a podcast with a member of parliament to discuss the benefits of employing highly qualified and knowledgeable educators.

Parents express happiness with the service and report that staff go above and beyond for their children. Staff communicate with parents highly effectively, and ensure they are kept fully up to date with their children's development. Managers also share additional information and provide advice regularly to further support families.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have vast safeguarding knowledge. They can identify key signs and symptoms of possible abuse or neglect and know the procedures for making referrals if they have concerns.

This helps protect children from harm. The nursery building is secure with external locks and a keypad entry. Managers implement a thorough visitors' procedure and ensure the safe use of technology by everyone on site.

Staff carry out risk assessments along with health and safety checks throughout. This helps to keep children safe. Staff manage children's allergies and dietary requirements precisely.

This ensures children's safety while eating. Managers conduct safer recruitment procedures, and all new staff receive a thorough induction when they start. This ensures that all those working on site are suitable.

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