Hopscotch Nursery School

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About Hopscotch Nursery School

Name Hopscotch Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Gospel Hall, Beadles Lane, Oxted, RH8 9JJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good • Staff create a welcoming and nurturing indoor environment to help children learn. They support children's emotional well-being very well. Children behave well and they have a close relationship with staff who help them to feel settled and secure.

They develop a strong sense of belonging. • Children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities are extremely well supported. Their needs are quickly identified so that additional support and advice is effectively implemented.

This helps to ensure that all children make progress according to their individual abilities. • Partnerships with external agencies and other providers are strong. Staff... effectively share information about children's care and learning.

This contributes to ensuring that there is a continuous approach to meeting children's specific needs. • Parents are very complimentary about the setting and the attention that the staff provide to their children. They say that their children's confidence and language skills have increased since coming to the setting.

Staff speak to parents daily to help keep them informed about their children's progress. • The well-qualified provider who is also the manager is very ambitious. She values parents and staff's views about the setting and implements their ideas.

She has a clear vision about how to continually make improvements to benefit children's learning. It is not yet outstanding because: • At times, staff intervene too soon when children are thinking about how to answer questions they have asked. • Occasionally, staff do not maximise outdoor teaching opportunities to extend children's learning further, particularly for those who prefer learning outdoors.

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