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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children have fun and show that they feel content and secure. Staff are very attentive to children's needs and are warm and nurturing towards them.
This helps to build trusting relationships and contributes to children settling well. For example, babies smile and giggle, and snuggle up to staff for cuddles. Older children invite staff to join in with their activities, such as reading stories and imaginative play.
Children behave extremely well for their age and stage of development. Staff ensure that children feel respected and their contributions are valued. For example, children, including babies, delight in taking p...art in ceremonies to celebrate their achievements.
They clap and cheer as each individual is awarded a personalised certificate which shows what children are particularly proud of. For instance, when younger children follow their older friends' lead and successfully use the climbing apparatus in the park. Babies enjoy exploring and delight in watching bubbles fall to the ground and pop.
Older children become engrossed in activities and concentrate for extended lengths of time. For instance, they have fun exploring foam and create a variety of shapes. They use their imaginations well.
For instance, they say that they are driving to London along the pretend road when using wheeled toys.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has a strong vision which includes making lasting memories for children. She sets high expectations for staff and endeavours for children to achieve as much as possible when attending the setting.
The provider and staff routinely reflect on each day's activities and how children responded to these. They make adaptions as needed. For instance, they reorganise the layout of the room to suit the individual needs of the children attending.
Staff listen and respond to children. They have lots of discussions with children and ask them questions. However, staff do not extend on conversations led by children or give them enough time to respond to questions.
This impacts on children's thoughts, ideas and language skills.Children benefit from a clear educational programme that focuses on building their knowledge. To do this, staff plan activities they know children enjoy and are interested in.
For example, staff incorporate fun games to help support children's understanding of numbers during music and dancing sessions.Staff complete regular observations of children and use these to discuss their planning for children's learning. They understand the impact on children's learning and development due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, such as mixing with others.
Consequently, staff ensure that children are provided with a variety of activities that encourage group interactions. These include games where children need to take turns with each other and yoga sessions.Staff help children to develop an understanding of being healthy.
They encourage children to eat the nutritious food provided and discuss the impact on their bodies, such as getting vitamin C from oranges. Staff organise outings for children to have fresh air. Children enjoy visiting the beach and parks where they learn to take risks and practise their physical skills on the various equipment.
Children show that they are developing an early love of books. They happily cuddle up with staff, turning the pages and pointing to pictures. There are ample books for children to choose from, including those that show images from families other than their own.
This helps children to learn about the wider world and other communities.Children benefit from staff's positive reinforcement of expected behaviour and the shower of praise they receive. Staff use many opportunities to promote children's self-esteem.
For instance, they thank children for reminding them to drink water.Parents are incredibly happy with the care and flexibility that the creche provides. They particularly like the information that they receive about their children after they drop them off at the creche.
Parents say that this gives them reassurance to know that their children are safe and settled. One parent stated that their child is always talking about the fun things they did at the creche.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a secure knowledge of how to identify and report any concerns about children's welfare. The provider ensures that staff are very familiar with safeguarding procedures. They attend regular training which includes wider safeguarding issues.
Staff know who to contact if concerned about a colleague's conduct. They ensure that the resources used and the premises are safe and secure. For example, staff routinely do safety checks, and detailed risk assessments are thoroughly completed and reviewed.
Staff are vigilant about children at all times and ensure that they are safe on outings. They make sure that arrival and collection times are well managed.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: sharpen the focus on developing children's language even further, for example giving them time to respond to questions and extending their conversations.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.