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About Partou Children’s House Day Nursery & Pre-School
Park Lodge, Tilehurst Lane, Binfield, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 5JL
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Leaders have a clear vision of what they want children to achieve and learn.
Some staff plan and deliver activities based on children's interests, which support children's development well. However, not all staff implement the curriculum seamlessly for all children to make the best possible progress. For example, some children wander around in the two to three room and the rising threes room with little direction and support, as activities are not engaging enough to capture their motivation.
However, in the rooms for babies and toddlers, children are captivated well in creative learning. Staff offer a language-rich enviro...nment where children in all rooms regularly hear stories and benefit from songs sung and signed to them. Although suitable staff are on duty to meet the adult-to-child ratio, staff are not always deployed effectively at mealtimes to ensure children are consistently supervised.
Despite these weaknesses, children show they are happy and feel safe in the care of staff. The staff support children's physical development well. For instance, babies 'cruise' around furniture that is arranged to help them develop their coordination skills for walking.
Older children enjoy challenges in the garden, which helps them learn to manage risks. For example, they climb and balance on large tyres and wooden equipment. Staff are effective in developing children's self-confidence well as they praise them effectively.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Overall, staff show an appropriate understanding of the curriculum. They can talk about the learning intentions for children. However, staff do not consistently implement these as well as possible.
This means that in some parts of the nursery they do not support children's learning as well as in others.Staff provide a range of activities for the children, which they mostly enjoy. Some skilled staff interweave additional areas of learning into activities to support sustained concentration.
However, this is not consistent from all staff. Leaders use additional funding well to support individual children. For instance, they have purchased resources to create quieter places for children to support their engagement.
Staff support children's good health and hygiene well. They encourage children to wash their hands before eating, which helps to minimise the spread of infection. Children benefit from healthy meals with plenty of water to drink.
However, at times, staff prioritise care practices and routine tasks over spending time with the children and maintaining their health, learning and well-being.Staff comment overall that they feel supported in their work and that they have supervision sessions. However, these sessions are not always targeted accurately enough on coaching and mentoring.
Therefore, these do not help identify and address improvements needed to staff practice. Staff comment that they work well as a team and that managers are always on hand to offer help in the room as needed.The nursery's special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a good understanding of her role to support children and ensure targeted support is offered.
The SENCo, the nursery manager and staff work well with families and other professionals to ensure children receive the support they need. This includes targeted support, as required, within the limitations of the funding and referral constraints.Overall, parental feedback is strong, and parents receive a good amount of information about their child's day.
However, a small number of parents remarked that they do not know who their child's key person is. This does not help them to build a close partnership. Relationships with other professionals are well embedded to support continuity of care.
Staff are warm, kind and caring to children. They are effective in supporting children with their behaviour. For example, they teach children to share resources by using a sand timer to indicate whose turn it is.
Children behave well and treat each other with respect. They enjoy group activities where staff support them to listen, follow instructions, and play and cooperate well with each other.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date improve the quality of teaching to support and meet the needs of all children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities 26/07/2024 review the organisation of mealtimes to ensure children are consistently supervised and staff are well deployed.26/07/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop further the systems for coaching and mentoring of staff to raise the quality of education nextend communication with parents to ensure they are aware of the name of their children's key person.
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Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.