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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children show a real sense of belonging in this nurturing nursery. Home visits, carried out before children start, mean that strong relationships are swiftly established between the staff, children and their parents.
Staff use their knowledge of the children to ensure that their individual needs are met. Babies' routines from home, such as eating and sleeping, are followed. Babies and toddlers develop the confidence to explore freely.
They confidently seek out their key person for a cuddle when they need some extra reassurance. Children get to spend plenty of time outdoors every day, and there are regular opportunities... for the older children to explore the natural world in the purpose provided nature area. Here, they learn about staying safe and remember that there is 'no licking and no picking'.
Children are well supervised and the required adult to child ratios are adhered to. Staff plan and provide a broad learning experiences for the different ages of children, based on the children's interests. Children have opportunities to make their own choices, as resources are at their level and accessible.
As a result, children engage in purposeful play. In addition, staff encourage children to take part in planned creative activities, exploring with paint, clay and other natural materials. Children are supported to listen and take turns.
Staff support children's emotional well-being very well. Staff use recall effectively, talking to the children about their previous experiences. Children learn to manage their own feeling and emotions and respect others through activities, stories and discussions.
When children find it difficult to share, staff sensitively remind them how to do this, modelling expected language and behaviours. Staff praise and encourage the children, which helps to develop their confidence and self-esteem.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
There have been changes to the leadership and management of the nursery in the last 12 months.
Appropriate recruitment practice is followed. The committee, management and the staff show enthusiasm. With support from the local authority, the whole team have worked hard to make positive changes within the nursery.
This includes reorganising and enhancing the learning environment, both inside and outside. New ways of observing and assessing children are being introduced, to focus on what children can do and their progress.All staff provide ongoing commentary as they play alongside the children.
They pose questions and give children time to think and respond. Staff support children with correct pronunciation of familiar words and introduce new words, such as 'gargoyle'. Staff are swift to identify those children who are slower to speak and give them appropriate attention.
They do this alongside regular focused speech and language sessions, using in-house specialist support.Children are supported to be independent. They are encouraged to wash and dry their hands.
Children learn how put on their boots and to wipe their noses and put the tissue in the bin. Even the youngest children are learning to follow routines. They know what is expected, as they help to tidy away the toys.
Children develop control and coordination as they learn to take risks and safely handle tools, such as scissors. They explore their natural environment as they go on a bug hunt. They gather plums from the garden, ready to taste at snack time.
Overall, staff demonstrate effective teaching techniques, particularly as they deliver some group activities. Staff focus on children's listening and attention and deliver clear instructions. They create awe and wonder as they introduce 'sound bowls'.
They help children to understand the concepts of louder and quieter and skilfully weave in mathematical language and counting. However, not all staff confidently use their knowledge of what children have already learned and can do to sequence and extend children's learning.Staff's well-being is valued.
They are encouraged to undertake further professional development, such as training in supporting children's behaviour and learning in the outdoor environment. They know how to deal with any accidents that children may have. Staff have regular supervision and support.
However, they have fewer opportunities to reflect on their own practice and that of others, in order to enhance their teaching skills to the highest level.Overall, partnerships with parents are strong. Parents are provided with clear information about the learning that their children experience.
Parents are well informed about their children's progress. They are encouraged to be involved in their children's learning and receive ideas on how they can do this. Many parents speak glowingly of the care and education that their children receive.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to use their knowledge of what children already know and can do, in order to sequence, extend and help children to make as much progress as possible provide staff with regular opportunities to reflect on their own and other's practice, in order to raise the quality of learning to the highest level.