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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children happily arrive at the nursery and are greeted by caring staff.
Activities that children enjoy are provided, which helps them to settle quickly. Children's behaviour is good. Staff are positive role models and children know what is expected of them.
Children of all ages demonstrate good levels of confidence. They can independently access a range of resources that spark their interest and curiosity. Children learn from an early age to share.
Children's physical skills are well supported. They benefit from experiences that help to promote their physical development. For example, children delight in racin...g together round the outdoor area on bicycles and scooters, and climbing up again and again to go down the slide.
Children show great determination and pride as they negotiate the obstacle course. All children enjoy bringing their imagination alive. Older children are able to 'write down' appointments at the 'hairdresser's'.
This helps to develop children's vocabulary. Children are developing the skills they need for the next stage in their learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The nursery curriculum focuses on teaching children the life skills they will need so that they are prepared for starting school.
For example, children learn to take turns and they follow instructions as they tidy up the toys. Staff provide a curriculum that is based on children's needs and abilities. They make regular observations of what children know and can do and use this information to plan what children need to learn next.
However, on occasion, not all staff are confident enough in their interactions with children to ensure activities focus on challenging and extending children's learning.The support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is a strength of the nursery. Staff identify children who need additional support and work effectively with other professionals.
They have good knowledge of strategies to support children. These strategies are tailored to children's needs and preferences.Staff organise the learning environment and prepare activities that they know children will find interesting.
Children thoroughly enjoy listening to stories, including Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Staff use this interest effectively to develop children's learning. For example, young children enjoy a tea party with the three bears, making 'tea' and 'porridge' for them.
They learn mathematical language, such as 'bigger' and 'smaller', 'empty' and 'full'.Staff support children to develop their independence. For example, they are encouraged to hang their coats on their pegs and put their bags away.
There is a strong focus on supporting children's emotional well-being. Staff use stories effectively to help children to talk about their emotions. Young children are able to communicate their feelings as they manipulate play dough to make a 'happy monster'.
Staff plan group activities for children, such as circle time and singing sessions. However, at times, staff do not manage the organisation of whole-group activities effectively enough to meet children's learning needs. Some children do not listen, and others become disengaged.
Partnerships with parents are good. Staff build relationships with parents through regular contact. They work collaboratively with parents to support the individual needs of the children.
Staff speak to parents on a daily basis about children's time at the nursery. They inform parents of children's levels of development and how to support children's learning at home.The provider is very committed to the ongoing improvements of the nursery, such as the development of the new sensory garden.
Additional funding has been used to support children's learning experiences and help close any gaps in children's learning and development. Staff morale is high. They meet regularly with the provider to discuss their ongoing professional development and to talk about their well-being.
The provider arranges supervision and training for staff, to further develop their practice.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities regarding safeguarding children.
There are policies and procedures in place to follow if they have any concerns regarding a child in their care. Staff have a sound knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse. Regular risk assessments of the premises are carried out to ensure that it is safe and secure.
Suitable recruitment procedures are in place to ensure that all people working with children are suitable to do so. Staff carry out mandatory training, such as first-aid training.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of whole-group activities to support all children to remain engaged and interested in their learning support staff to develop their teaching practice and interactions with children so that planned activities challenge and extend children's learning.