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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children demonstrate enthusiasm and motivation in their play and learning. They are happy and enjoy their time at nursery immensely. For example, children show confidence and self-esteem when they talk, smile and wave to visitors.
Children enjoy a stimulating and well-planned learning environment. They are well supported by staff who show a good understanding of their teaching role. Staff interact with children effectively and purposefully, knowing that what they say and do helps children progress in their learning.
Children benefit from a language-rich environment where they are exposed to varied vocabulary to develop... their speaking skills.Children are well behaved and show a strong understanding of the rules and routines. They develop good physical skills and participate in exciting and varied on-site outdoor activities, such as building dens in the woods or woodland garden.
Babies experience cuddles and nurturing care from the staff, who tune into their needs well. They enjoy lots of sensory play which stimulates their curiosity and eagerness to learn. Children are cared for in a safe and secure environment where there is good attention to their health and well-being.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The strong leadership team has high expectations of staff. Leaders monitor and motivate staff well to deliver an effective play and learning programme. This meets all groups of children's developmental needs.
Leaders have accurate self-assessment and a well-focused development plan.Children benefit from a clear curriculum designed to ignite their interest and develop positive behaviours and attitudes to learning. For example, toddlers dressed in wetsuits have great fun as they touch and feel fake edible fish in bags of water.
They excitedly let them loose in a coloured lily pond. Using small nets, children pretend to go fishing and count how many fish they have caught.Good induction, training and coaching support by the leaders enables all staff, qualified and unqualified, to develop their knowledge and competencies.
Staff talk of being well supported and listened to by the leadership team. There is a strong focus on staff's well-being and personal development, and on working with the government Kickstart programme.Staff in the baby room ensure that they follow good, flexible care routines to meet babies' individual needs.
For example, babies can sleep soundly in cosy wooden floor baskets while others play. They receive purposeful interaction with their key person, who they check in with regularly. However, during some routine tasks such as nappy changing, the key-person system is not highly effective.
At this time, children do not consistently benefit from the attachments made with their key person.There is very good emphasis on promoting children's key skills in communication and language. Stories and songs are a big part of children's learning each day, throughout all age groups.
For example, babies enjoy choosing an object from a song bag, linked to a favourite song. Two-year-olds look for story pictures in shaving foam and discuss 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Pre-school children make coloured porridge and talk about the porridge being 'just right' to eat.
Partnership with parents is good. Parents speak positively about the nursery and their good communication with staff. Leaders and staff ensure that they help parents to link children's learning to home.
For example, they provide parents with advice and guidance on potty training, including storybooks to help children understand how to control their bodies and when they need to use the toilet.Staff encourage children to develop good personal independence skills. For example, children put on their coats and hats for outdoor play.
However, staff recognise that there is less emphasis on opportunities for children to develop their self-help skills linked to personal hygiene, such as blowing their nose.The special educational needs coordinator uses her good knowledge and experience to identify children who need extra support. She links well with parents and other agencies and develops a sensory room to ensure each child can reach their potential.
Staff who care for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are given good guidance. They use specific teaching strategies, such as picture communication cards, to aid children's progress. Additional funding is used well to support children's progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders ensure that there is strong emphasis on safeguarding children throughout the nursery. All staff receive regular training in child protection and discuss different scenarios at staff meetings.
They are confident at recognising and reporting any signs that may indicate that a child is at risk of harm. This includes a wide range of safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation and radicalisation. Staff know they must follow the correct reporting procedures when concerns are raised.
These include notifying the local authority designated officer and Ofsted when suitability and safeguarding concerns are noted about staff. The provider follows safer recruitment procedures well when appointing new staff.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff's understanding of their key-person role further, particularly with regards to carrying out babies' personal care strengthen opportunities for older children to take care of their personal hygiene needs.