Beckfoot Phoenix

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About Beckfoot Phoenix

Name Beckfoot Phoenix
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Headteacher Sarah Lloyd
Address Braithwaite Avenue, Keighley, BD22 6HZ
Phone Number 01535607038
Phase Academy (special)
Type Academy special converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 109
Local Authority Bradford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are valued highly and nurtured exceptionally well. Highly skilled staff provide carefully designed care and support.

There are high expectations for all. The trust's core purpose for pupils to 'enjoy, learn and succeed' is at the heart of the school's curriculum. The curriculum is aspirational.

It is designed around the needs of pupils. Pupils benefit from and thrive because of specialist medical and therapeutic support. They enjoy enrichment activities.

These include swimming, cooking, learning first aid and educational visits associated with the curriculum.

Relationships between staff and pupils are extremely warm and positive. Pupils learn communicate their needs and feelings.

They have staff to turn to if they are worried or need help. Typically, parents and carers appreciate that staff 'go above and beyond' to support the whole family. Most recognise that this school is 'a very special place'.

Pupils learn to behave well. Staff teach them to recognise and understand how to manage their emotions, including through the use of 'colour monsters'. This support is very effective.

Successful routines in and around the school help pupils to feel safe and to understand what is expected of them. Thoughtfully designed 'calming' spaces help to reduce pupils' anxiety. Staff use creative techniques such as sensory massage, to help pupils to be ready to learn.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is very well sequenced. It is broad and ambitious. The content for each subject has been carefully chosen.

Learning is well matched to each pupil's age and stage of development. The school plans with precision to meet each pupil's special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) effectively.

There is excellent focus on the development of pupils' communication and interaction skills.

From the early years, children learn to use different forms of communication confidently. Staff are highly proficient in teaching pupils to use these approaches. Pupils learn to use signing, pictures and symbols to communicate effectively.

Pupils with more profound needs learn to use digital tools to make choices. Some learn to read using eye-driven communication devices. All pupils succeed at this school.

Reading is prioritised. Phonics is taught from the early years phases. Topics of learning promote the joy of reading across the school very well.

Staff seize every opportunity to develop pupils' vocabulary and understanding of language. Pupils, including those in the early years, enjoy exploring different sounds. They relish listening to music and singing songs and rhymes.

They enjoy their daily story sessions and talk enthusiastically about their class texts.

Staff teach phonics very well. The books pupils read match the sounds they know.

Where some pupils struggle to access the phonics programme due to their SEND, staff are tenacious in their approach. They utilise a range of resources to provide skilled and timely support for pupils. There is a determined focus on helping pupils to use and apply their phonics skills to read, spell and write with increasing fluency.

Learning is linked extremely well to pupils' education, health and care (EHC) plans. Staff identify the most important knowledge and skills that pupils need to know. They match these accurately to pupils' individual EHC plan targets.

Staff have an in-depth knowledge of pupils. They encourage them to do well. Those with more complex needs receive bespoke and high-quality learning and care.

The quality of staff interactions with pupils, including those in the early years, is exceptional. Classrooms are fun places for pupils to learn. Staff are excellent role models for pupils.

They promote polite and respectful relationships. They help pupils to develop their social and emotional awareness supremely well.

Pupils' personal development is at the core of everything the school does.

There is a strong focus on preparing pupils for life beyond school. Pupils learn how to keep physically and mentally healthy. They take part in different sports.

They visit art exhibitions, places of worship and take part in performances. They enjoy choosing their class reward trips. They learn about online safety and respect for protected characteristics such as religious beliefs and different types of relationships.

Assemblies enhance topics of learning. They help pupils to understand fundamental British values and diversity.

The trust provides excellent support and challenge to the school.

The members of the local school committee (LSC) know the school well. Together, the trust and the LSC ensure that the school provides the very best for pupils. Leaders are not complacent.

They continually seek ways to improve.

Staff benefit from high-quality professional development. They appreciate the consideration they receive from leaders for their workload and welfare.

They welcome the frequent opportunities to learn from each other. Leaders are proud to share the excellent practice in the school with colleagues working in other schools within the trust.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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