Bolsover Church of England Junior School

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About Bolsover Church of England Junior School

Name Bolsover Church of England Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Claire Bailey
Address Horsehead Lane, Bolsover, Chesterfield, S44 6XH
Phone Number 01246822324
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 277
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Bolsover is a happy school. Pupils enjoy their learning and their friends.

They told inspectors: 'The teachers make the learning fun.' Pupils are proud of their school. They say that they feel safe.

Pupils know that the staff care for them.

Leaders prioritise pupils' personal development. They have high expectations of pupils.

The school's Christian values permeate its work. Pupils understand these values. They have positive attitudes towards their work and towards each other.

Pupils are aspirational. They want to achieve. Pupils like being pupil ambassadors, looking after the environment and being school councillors.

Pupils are pol...ite and respectful. They behave well. Pupils know what is expected of them.

They know that staff deal quickly with any bullying. One pupil told inspectors: 'If we are worried, the staff will help us. There is a worry box in classroom, and they check it every day.

Teachers are kind.' Pupils know that staff quickly sort out any problems.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school.

One parent, typical of many, said: 'Mrs Bailey and her team have done a brilliant job at turning the school around.' Parents particularly appreciate how dedicated, friendly and hard-working the staff are.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a strong curriculum in many subjects.

The curriculum has been organised to ensure that pupils build their knowledge and skills gradually. Leaders ensure that pupils' vocabulary develops progressively in most subjects. Pupils can explain the meaning of complex subject vocabulary.

For example, in geography, pupils can confidently discuss tectonic plates and continental drift. However, in some subjects, leaders have not identified precisely the key knowledge that pupils need to learn. On occasions, pupils are not clear about their learning.

For example, some pupils know that they are studying databases in computing, but they are unable to explain what a database is.

There is a strong culture of reading at the school. Books are valued.

Leaders ensure that there is a sharp focus on reading from the moment that pupils join the school. They ensure that there is a consistent approach to the teaching of reading. The daily phonics sessions are highly structured.

Leaders make sure that books match the letters and sounds pupils are learning. If pupils fall behind, staff provide them with extra phonics sessions. Leaders ensure that pupils develop the reading skills necessary for future learning.

Leaders have set out the order in which pupils learn new knowledge in mathematics, so that pupils build their understanding and skills securely. Pupils enjoy mathematics. They explain their learning well using mathematical vocabulary.

For example, pupils use 'hundredths', 'numerator' and 'denominator' when discussing fractions. Teachers take the time to explain the learning. They provide regular opportunities for pupils to recap their mathematical knowledge.

Leaders are reviewing the school's approach to assessment. In some subjects, teachers are effective in checking how successfully pupils acquire knowledge and use it fluently. However, in other subjects, where leaders have not identified precisely the key content that pupils need to learn, approaches to assessment do not identify gaps in pupils' learning.

Leaders ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), access the full curriculum. Teachers provide strong support and ensure that resources are suited to these pupils' needs. They regularly check how successfully pupils with SEND access the curriculum.

Leaders communicate well with parents. They work effectively with external agencies.

Staff create a respectful culture.

Pupils understand the British values. They understand democracy and their rights and responsibilities. One pupil said: 'It's when people have a choice.'

However, there is some inconsistency in some pupils' knowledge of different faiths and beliefs.

Trustees and representatives of the multi-academy trust (MAT) know the school well. They understand the school's strengths and what needs to improve.

Trustees fulfil their statutory responsibilities. Leaders work very well with staff. They consider staff well-being and provide regular training.

Leaders take account of staff workload. Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the leaders and the professional support from the MAT.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of care at the school. Leaders provide support to vulnerable pupils. Staff pass on concerns promptly.

Record-keeping is very detailed. Leaders ensure that they provide regular safeguarding training for staff and governors. They check that staff know how to spot pupils at risk.

Trustees regularly check the school's safeguarding procedures.

Leaders have ensured that the curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to learn how to stay safe. Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

Pupils say that they know who to go to if they have a concern. They know that staff will take their concerns seriously.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The key knowledge and content that pupils need to learn in some subjects is not sufficiently well considered and sequenced, unlike in other areas of the curriculum.

In some subjects, it is not yet fully clear what pupils should learn and by when, to build their knowledge over time. Some pupils have an inconsistent recall of their learning over time. Leaders should ensure that curriculum thinking for all subjects sets out precisely the knowledge that all pupils, including those with SEND, in all year groups, should know and by when.

• Approaches to assessment do not consistently identify gaps in pupils' learning. In some subjects, where curriculum thinking is less clear, teachers do not check effectively how successfully pupils acquire knowledge and use it fluently. Leaders should ensure that assessment consistently assists teachers in producing clear next steps for pupils without causing unnecessary burdens for staff and pupils.

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