Darrick Wood Infant & Nursery School

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About Darrick Wood Infant & Nursery School

Name Darrick Wood Infant & Nursery School
Website http://www.darrickwoodinfant.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Lydia Crawford
Address Lovibonds Avenue, Orpington, BR6 8ER
Phone Number 01689857278
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 326
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at this nurturing and highly inclusive school.

Pupils and staff are happy and extremely proud members of their school community. Pupils are very well cared for and are kept safe.

Pupils benefit from an ambitious and thoughtfully planned curriculum.

They develop a secure and deep foundation of knowledge and skills. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve highly across the curriculum. They are very well prepared for their next stage of education.

The school's provision for pupils' wider development has been given considerable thought and is precisely mapped out. The 'characters of l...earning', which have been selected by the whole school community, thread through all aspects of the curriculum and school life. These focus on developing pupils' resilience, curiosity, respectfulness, creativity, independence and confidence.

Pupils take on roles of responsibility, such as by becoming a reading or well-being ambassador or a member of the school council. A variety of educational visits and extra-curricular clubs enrich the taught curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent.

They are polite and respectful. In lessons, pupils are focused and on task. The recently introduced 'learning zones' are understood by pupils.

They use the zones to help them to fully focus on their learning and activities. Pupils enjoy their social times and play happily together.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders' shared vision for pupils to be happy, nurtured and achieve well in an inclusive environment is put into practice consistently.

All pupils benefit from a high-quality education where their academic and all-round development is fostered with great care and ambition.

From the moment they start school in early years, children get off to a flying start. Adults use every opportunity to promote children's use of language and vocabulary.

Children engage in exciting and purposeful activities. These have been deliberately planned so that children learn and practise the skills and knowledge that have been identified as priorities. The curriculum is designed and delivered consistently well to ensure children's readiness for Year 1.

The teaching of reading is prioritised and permeates throughout all subjects. For example, leaders have identified and mapped out where high-quality texts can support pupils' learning across all the different subject areas. Children begin their reading journey at the very earliest opportunity.

Daily phonics sessions build children's knowledge of the sounds that letters make. They have lots of opportunities to practise using these sounds to read and spell words. The books that they read are closely matched to the sounds they have been taught and know.

This helps them to become confident and fluent readers. If any pupil is falling behind, they are quickly identified, and staff provide effective extra support. Pupils become fully immersed in the daily story-time sessions.

They especially enjoy the opportunities to read for pleasure in the school's 'library lodge', as well as visits to the local library and author visits.

The school's curriculum maps out precisely the crucial knowledge, skills and vocabulary that pupils need to learn and remember. The curriculum is well understood by teachers, who deliver learning clearly and in coherent sequences.

Lessons provide opportunities for pupils to revisit, recap and build on their prior learning. Teachers regularly check what pupils know and understand. This means that any gaps in learning or misconceptions are quickly picked up and addressed.

As a result, pupils remember what they are being taught in depth and achieve highly. This includes pupils with SEND, who are very well identified and supported. These pupils learn alongside their peers and all staff are ambitious for what they can achieve.

Staff are highly trained and adapt learning and activities effectively. Staff work closely with those in the provision for pupils with hearing impairments, which is located on the same site. This means that staff share expertise and that pupils are fully included in all school activities.

Work to support pupils' personal development is of very high quality. The school's curriculum incorporates purposeful opportunities for pupils to learn about fundamental British values. Pupils also have opportunities to vote and to elect their peers to positions of responsibility.

They are taught about different families. They learn that everyone has the right to be treated with respect. Pupils learn about cultures and beliefs other than their own.

Diversity and difference are celebrated.

There are clear expectations for pupils' behaviour. As a result, classrooms are calm and movement around the school is orderly.

Pupils are highly responsive to adults' expectations and instructions. Leaders closely monitor and track pupils' attendance, and support is put in place promptly for families where needed.

Staff enjoy working at the school and value the range of professional development and support that is available to them.

Leaders at all levels, including the trust and governing boards, are reflective. They continually look for ways to further improve what is already very strong practice in the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Darrick Wood Junior School Darrick Wood School Junior Adventures Group @ Darrick Wood BR6

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