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This is a school where everyone 'takes care'. Everyone is expected to take care of themselves, each other, the school, the world and their work. These core values are consistently understood and applied by pupils and staff alike.
They are lived out in classrooms, around school, on the playground and in the 'Hillside' outdoor learning area. As one pupil said: 'Everyone knows how to take care'. Relationships between staff and pupils are consistently positive.
Pupils are cared for and nurtured.
Pupils are well behaved and courteous. They greet people warmly.
They hold doors open for others. They thank each other. They are motivated by the rewards that t...hey can earn.
They talk with pride about moving up through the traffic light system, beyond green into silver, gold and double gold. They are proud of the 'take care' awards that they earn. They understand the consequences of poor behaviour.
When it does occur, it is managed well.
Pupils are inclusive and respectful. They recognise and celebrate the diverse range of cultures, beliefs and religions that make up their community.
They respect views and beliefs that are different from their own.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed and implemented a bespoke curriculum that prioritises reading. Leaders describe reading as, 'the beating heart of the curriculum'.
This is accurate at this school. The curriculum ensures that pupils learn to read and then go on to read to learn. Staff meticulously plan, and use, a wide range of texts, genres and authors to help pupils to learn the curriculum.
Pupils develop a love of reading. They develop an appreciation of a wide range of texts, including poetry, classics and plays. Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' is a particular favourite.
Pupils are taught to read from the very start of the Reception Year. The recently introduced phonics programme is working well. It is taught consistently.
Pupils quickly learn the sounds that letters make. They use these to decode new and more challenging words.
Leaders were disappointed with national assessment outcomes in 2022.
They acted quickly to understand why these were not more positive. Beyond reading, the curriculum is well planned and sequenced. It makes clear what pupils should learn at each stage of their education.
It typically builds systematically on what pupils already know and can do. However, in some subjects, the curriculum does not identify precisely the most important content that pupils are expected to remember in the long term. As a result, pupils' recall of the curriculum in these subjects is inconsistent.
A small number of subjects are at an early stage of implementation.
Children get off to a positive start in the early years. This is a strength of the school.
Leaders have designed and implemented a curriculum that takes account of what children know and can do as they arrive at the school. The curriculum is designed to help children to develop curiosity and confidence. Leaders have ensured that all staff know the best way to teach the curriculum.
Children are happy, engaged in their learning and well cared for.
All pupils are expected to work hard and to learn the same curriculum. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported.
Staff skilfully adapt lessons to ensure that these pupils learn well. A significant, and increasing, proportion of pupils who join the school are new to speaking the English language. These pupils receive well-tailored support.
They are helped to master English quickly. They go on to do well.
Pupils benefit from a well-organised curriculum for personal social and health education.
They regularly learn about news and events from around the world. They talk about, and debate, issues arising from these. Pupils are proud of the roles and responsibilities that they take on, including school councillors, being part of the diversity club and representing the school at the trust's pupil parliament.
The two pupil attendance officers work closely with leaders to promote and reward positive attendance.
Senior leaders and those responsible for governance, are quick to address any issues that arise at the school. All actions are carefully considered.
Senior leaders have a secure understanding of what makes an effective curriculum. They have built a cohesive team with a united ambition. Leadership is becoming increasingly distributed.
However, some subject leaders do not have a fully rounded view of what their role entails. They do not understand their role in curriculum design and implementation.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Safeguarding is the school's highest priority. All staff are well trained and understand their responsibilities. There is a united understanding that, 'It can happen here'.
Pupils learn how to stay safe in the community, online, near roads and around electricity and fire. They know that they can talk to any adult if they need help. They know which teachers lead on safeguarding.
They know that they can put a message in the 'chatterbox' to get help.
The school's learning mentor and mental health worker provide pupils and their families with a wide range of help and support.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• A small number of subjects are at an early stage of implementation.
They have not yet resulted in pupils knowing and remembering curriculum content over an extended period of time. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum is fully embedded and results in pupils knowing and remembering content. ? Some parts of the curriculum do not make clear the most important, key knowledge that pupils are expected to know and remember.
As a result, teachers do not know which parts of the curriculum to emphasise. Again, this leads to some minor inconsistencies in pupils' recall of curriculum content. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum, across all subjects, makes clear the most important content that pupils are expected to know and commit to their long-term memory.
• Some subject leaders do not understand their role in curriculum design, implementation and impact. This means that they are unable to carry out the role effectively. Leaders should ensure that the role of the subject leader is consistently understood, applied and results in pupils knowing and remembering the curriculum over time.