Langtons Infant School & Nursery

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About Langtons Infant School & Nursery

Name Langtons Infant School & Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Elizabeth Page
Address Westland Avenue, Hornchurch, RM11 3SD
Phone Number 01708447866
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 199
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The new headteacher is raising expectations and standards across the school.

Senior leaders monitor teaching and learning effectively. Teaching is improving and is now good. The school has strong capacity to improve further.

This is the result of strong leadership from senior and middle leaders. Pupils make good progress in all subjects. Standards of attainment are rising in each year group.

Early years provision is good. Leaders have a realistic understanding of children's starting points. Children make good progress in the Reception Year.

Governors support leaders skilfully with school improvement. The curriculum is br...oad and balanced to offer pupils exciting learning opportunities. The sport premium is spent effectively to improve the teaching of physical education.

Pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities make good progress. Teachers' expectations of what pupils can achieve are high, particularly of the most able pupils. The level of challenge in lessons is improving and is good overall.

Additional funding is spent effectively to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. Behaviour is good and attitudes to learning are positive. Pupils are listened to and feel safe.

Attendance is improving and leaders ensure that strategies are in place to support vulnerable families. Safeguarding is effective. Teachers do not provide pupils with sufficient opportunities to write independently across all subjects.

Teachers sometimes do not make the most of opportunities to extend pupils' understanding of the books they are reading and to develop their comprehension skills. Classrooms, including displays, do not consistently enhance pupils' learning. The learning environment needs improvement.

Although communication with parents is positive, some parents report that they would welcome greater notice of school events.

Information about this school

Langtons Infants is smaller than the average-sized school. The headteacher took up her post in April 2017.

There have been significant changes to the leadership team and to the governing body since the last inspection. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is lower than the national average. Fewer pupils than average have SEN and/or disabilities.

The majority of pupils are White British. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is in line with the national average. There is a breakfast club run by an external provider.

Also at this postcode
Langtons Junior Academy Abacus After School Club Super Star Sport Camp @ Langtons Infant school

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