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Pupils told inspectors that they feel happy and safe at school. They enjoy socialising at break- and lunchtimes and make friends easily.
Pupils understand and meet leaders' high expectations for behaviour.
They behave well around school. Pupils pay attention and work hard in their lessons.
Governors' and leaders' high expectations help to make sure that most pupils achieve well across a range of subjects.
This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils.
Pupils care about one another. They are knowledgeable about each other's differences.
Pupils do not tolerate comments or views... that are inappropriate. Instead, pupils go out of their way to make sure that everybody feels valued and included. This means that pupils are able to be themselves.
Pupils are confident that staff will resolve any bullying incidents quickly and effectively.
Pupils experience a rich careers curriculum at this school. This includes visits, careers events, work experience opportunities and the advice and support of independent careers professionals on site.
Pupils enjoy their roles in helping to organise wider opportunities, including the Welsh club and the entomology group. Others attend the wealth of sports clubs that are provided.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Governors and senior leaders have set out a clear and aspirational vision for all pupils.
They are determined that every pupil will follow an ambitious curriculum, where they can experience success. Pupils are offered a broad choice of subjects to follow at key stage 4. Increasingly, pupils are deciding to study those subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate.
Leaders organise subject curriculums well. This means that teachers are clear about the essential knowledge that pupils should learn and the order in which this content should be taught. Staff have a secure knowledge of the subjects that they teach.
They typically select activities that help pupils to remember, practise and build on essential curriculum knowledge.
Teachers check on pupils' learning regularly. They spot gaps in pupils' knowledge or misconceptions.
Usually, teachers revisit any missing or fragile knowledge and do not move on to new learning until pupils' understanding is secure. However, in a minority of subjects, some staff move pupils on to new learning before they are ready. This slows some pupils' progress through the curriculum.
Most pupils are confident and fluent readers. They read regularly in a range of subjects and with their form tutors. Leaders quickly identify any pupils who find reading difficult.
Skilled staff provide effective support for this group of pupils. As a result, pupils catch up quickly.
Leaders identify pupils with SEND effectively.
They provide staff with the information and training that they need to ensure that the needs of these pupils are met well. Teachers adapt how they deliver the curriculum, when necessary, so that pupils with SEND cover the same subject content as their peers. Consequently, pupils with SEND achieve well.
Pupils are polite in class. Their learning is not disrupted by poor behaviour. They move between lessons sensibly.
Pupils arrive to lessons on time and ready to learn.
Leaders consider the views of pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND. For example, the pupil council has designed a school improvement plan with leaders.
Leaders ensure that pupils can participate and succeed in modern Britain. The careers information, advice and guidance that pupils receive sets them up well for their next steps in further education, training or employment.
Staff appreciate leaders' efforts to support their well-being and to ensure that they have a reasonable workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders keep staff up to date with any risks that pupils may face. Staff are trained to spot the signs that pupils may be at risk of harm.
They are vigilant and report concerns about pupils' safety and well-being quickly.
Leaders make sure that any concerns are acted on promptly. This includes where pupils require additional support from external agencies.
Leaders ensure that pupils get the timely help that they need.
Pupils learn about a range of risks to their safety, including those that they may encounter when online, and how to avoid them. They are confident to seek help from staff when they need it.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a minority of subjects, some staff move pupils on to new learning before they are ready. This slows some pupils' progress. Leaders should make sure that pupils have secured the prior essential knowledge that they require before introducing new knowledge that builds on it.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.