Southville Primary School

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About Southville Primary School

Name Southville Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Joanne Lacey
Address Bedfont Lane, Feltham, TW14 9NP
Phone Number 02088906745
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 670
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders ensure that pupils are ready to learn. Pupils enjoy lessons because teachers make them fun.

Teachers encourage pupils to concentrate and motivate them to do well. Pupils and staff are courteous and polite towards each other. Pupils are kept happy and safe here.

Staff have high expectations for all pupils. The curriculum is broad. Leaders are knowledgeable about pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Teachers consider carefully how best to support all pupils.

Pupils behave sensibly in and around the school. Staff encourage pupils to resolve any issues that may arise.

Pupils know that staff always there to help them. Adults deal swiftly with any incidents of bullying.

Staff encourage pupils to take on responsibilities.

Pupils valued the opportunities to be young leaders, sports leaders, class monitors and members of the school parliament.Parents and carers are generally positive about the school. They described staff as supportive, who often do everything that they can to resolve any issues.

Leaders ensure that parents are kept well informed about their children's learning.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have identified ambitious end goals that they want pupils to achieve. The content that pupils learn in most subjects is well thought through, sequenced, and delivered effectively.

Teachers' subject knowledge in most subjects is secure. For example, in physical education, pupils are taught different ways of throwing and catching. They apply these skills within team games, such as dodgeball and netball.

In a minority of subjects, the important knowledge pupils need to know and remember is not clearly identified or coherently organised. Consequently, teaching does not develop pupils' subject-specific knowledge in these subjects.

Leaders provide teachers with effective support and guidance to identify and meet the needs of pupils with SEND.

Teachers support pupils with SEND to access the same curriculum as their peers. Staff use a range of resources to support pupils to develop their knowledge and skills. Occasionally, teaching does not identify and address misconceptions in pupils' understanding.

Leaders have prioritised early reading. Staff have been trained to teach phonics consistently. Leaders ensure that pupils have access to an extensive range of books that match the sounds that pupils know.

Staff help pupils at risk of falling behind in reading to catch up quickly. Pupils enjoy listening to adults read to them. In early years, staff read a wide range of stories to children.

They help children to develop their speaking and listening skills.

Teachers support pupils to develop strong mathematical skills. They help pupils to use mathematical vocabulary accurately.

For example, in early years, children used 'fewer' and 'one more' to compare numbers. In Nursery, staff encouraged children to recognise number patterns by singing rhymes.

Pupils cooperate well with each other.

Staff respond to any low-level incidents in lessons quickly to minimise distractions to pupils' attention. Highly skilled members of the pastoral team provide a wide range of support to help pupils with complex behavioural needs. Pupils are taught to describe their feelings and how to manage them.

Leaders work closely with families to improve attendance.

Leaders encourage pupils' contribution to the wider world. For example, pupils raised funds for local and national charities.

Pupils speak confidently about gender equality. Teachers support pupils to understand the importance of equal opportunities in different professions.

The governing body has an accurate understanding of the strengths of the school.

It assists leaders in considering how challenges are addressed. Staff are proud to be part of the school. Teachers, many of whom are in the early stages of their teaching career, felt very supported.

Workload is manageable and staff well-being is given priority.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have developed a positive culture of safeguarding.

They ensure that staff understand their responsibilities in how to keep children safe. Leaders and staff focus on building strong relationships within the school and local community. They know pupils and families well.

Leaders identify the needs of pupils and families at the earliest opportunity. They access external help and expertise to provide appropriate support.

Leaders ensure that pupils are taught how to be safe, including the potential risks when using social media and online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a minority of foundation subjects, the knowledge and skills pupils need to know and remember is not clearly identified or coherently organised. This means that in these subjects, teaching does not develop pupils' subject-specific understanding routinely well. Leaders should ensure that all subjects are coherently sequenced, so that teaching builds on the important knowledge and skills that pupils need to know and remember.

On occasion, teaching does not identify and address misconceptions in pupils' knowledge. This leads to gaps in pupils' understanding. Leaders should ensure that teaching checks pupils' understanding carefully, so that any misconceptions can be addressed swiftly, and pupils are well supported in building their knowledge consistently overtime.

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