Tunstead Primary School

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About Tunstead Primary School

Name Tunstead Primary School
Website http://www.tunsteadprimary.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rebecca Quinn
Address Market Street, Tunstead, Norwich, NR12 8AH
Phone Number 01603737395
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 86
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher and other leaders have created a well-organised and harmonious school.

Staff and pupils have high expectations, enjoy positive relationships and thrive. Recently, there has been instability in staffing in a few classes. In spite of this, leaders have skilfully maintained the good quality of teaching, learning and assessment.

Governors share leaders' high expectations and are knowledgeable and thorough in their work. Governors provide leaders with enthusiastic challenge and support as they hold them firmly to account for the quality of education. Leaders have designed a curriculum that serves pupils well in most subjects....r/>
Nevertheless, the subject knowledge and skills of teachers are stronger in some subjects than others, which can lead to some inconsistency in implementing the curriculum. Pupils typically make good progress in most subjects, including in reading, writing and mathematics. Some teachers do not provide learning activities that enable pupils who are capable of reaching the higher standards to do so consistently across the curriculum.

Teaching assistants make an important contribution to the good progress that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make. Disadvantaged pupils achieve well. This is because leaders use the additional funding to provide them with effective support.

Pupils behave in a kind and considerate manner. They develop high expectations of themselves and are determined to do their best. Pupils frequently collaborate effectively in their learning.

Leaders have sustained the good quality of education in early years. Therefore, children make strong progress and develop good learning behaviour. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the quality of education.

They agree that their children are safe, happy and well cared for. Staff say that they enjoy working at Tunstead Primary School and are proud to do so. They are reflective and keen to improve their practice.

Teachers have leadership responsibility in more than one subject area. In some cases, they have recently taken on additional responsibilities and have yet to have a demonstrable impact in these new areas of their work. Pupils' attendance is broadly similar to the national average.

However, a small number of pupils do not attend as often as they should.

Information about this school

The school is smaller than the average-sized primary school. The headteacher joined the school in September 2017.

The large majority of pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is lower than that typically found in primary schools. The school educates lower proportions of pupils with SEND than the average primary school.

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