Safeguard your child's
future with an informed
school choice

The most popular and trusted UK school guide
Accurate and insightful data to prevent missed opportunities

Rightmove, Zoopla and OnTheMarket browser extension
School catchment areas

Discover where existing pupils live and which schools children attend in each neighbourhood.

Exclusive research data

Gain access to exclusive information that is available nowhere else, such as feeder and destination schools.

Neighbourhood information

Bring local areas to life; with property prices, socio-economics, amenities, crime, broadband and more.

The most comprehensive UK school guide

Trusted by millions of parents and carers, Locrating is truly the most in-depth school guide in the UK, with more data and features than you'll be able to find anywhere else, including unique and exclusive research results. The list of available data is enormous, but highlights include; school inspection reports, exam results, catchment areas, school league tables, school comparisons, in-depth admissions data, school reviews, local neighbourhood information, feeder schools, destination schools, local crime and points of interest, class sizes, pupil ethnicities, leaver destinations and so much more. If you're researching schools, then you've come to the right place!
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
Independent Schools
Grammar Schools
Schools Reviewed
Our intuitive, interactive map is easy to use

One of the best features of Locrating is that our interactive map is just so user friendly.

Schools are shown in a clean, easy to understand fashion on a map that you can easily move around; school icons tell you at a glance the type of school and its Ofsted rating.

Clicking on a school icon shows its catchment area indicator and pops up a box with all the crucial information you need to know; with relevant links, such as to the school's Ofsted reports and exam results. It really couldn't be any easier.

So whether you're looking for 'schools near me' or relocating to a new area, we've got it covered!

Accurate and frequently updated data

Schools are being continually inspected throughout the year.

Whereas most other school guides update their data only once or twice a year, or use secondary sources of data that are not themselves up to date. We refresh our data ar least bi-weekly directly from the source, to ensure you are equipped with the very latest, most relevant information and inspection reports.

We pride ourselves on the accuracy of our data, which is down to our fastidious data processing. We continually compare ourselves with other providers (big and small) and believe that we are offering by far the most superior data and user experience.

All essential inspection reports and exam results

We continually collate, cross reference and cleanse data from a large array of sources, including, but not limited to:

  • Ofsted
  • Ofsted Parent View
  • Department for Education (England)
  • Independent Schools Council
  • Independent Schools Inspectorate
  • National School Census (England)
  • Education Scotland
  • Estyn (Wales)
  • Welsh Government
  • Department for Education (NI)
  • Education Training Inspectorate (NI)
  • HM Land Registry
  • Ofcom
Data retained during academy conversions

A lot of schools have or are currently converting to academies.

When a school converts to an academy the old school is listed as closed and a new one listed as opened in its place, even though little about the school may have changed.

We believe that exam results and Ofsted inspection reports from the old school are still relevant, at least until the new academy has exam results and Ofsted reports of its own. Hence, we uniquely display inspection and performance data from the old school with the new academy.

Unique school catchment area indicator

By analysing where previous intakes of pupils currently live, we are able to provide catchment area indicators around schools in England.

Our advanced catchment area checker shows at a glance where the latest intake of pupils live down to neighbourhood level, as well as allowing sophisticated analysis of the data; including historical catchment areas and drilling down into individual year groups.

We are even able to show statistics on the movements of pupils between primary and secondary schools and which schools in a neighbourhood children attend.

Destination and source schools

Both revolutionary and unique to Locrating is the ability to see how children move between schools, allowing you to plan a path from primary to secondary school and beyond.

For example, you can select a primary school and see which secondary schools pupils move on to, or you can select a secondary school and see which primary schools pupils have joined from.

You can even see the percentage of pupils that transition to grammar schools and to which ones.

This is a hugely powerful feature, that you won't find anywhere else.

Create school shortlists

You can quickly and easily create your own school shortlists; by clicking the heart icon at the top of a pop-up window.

You can then compare your shortlisted schools side by side, share your shortlists with friends and/or save them for use later.

We save your shortlists for you, so they are retained between browsing sessions. You can also click in the link box under our map menu to obtain a re-usable URL that contains your shortlists.

League tables and school rankings

Our primary and secondary school league tables and school rankings are calculated by comparing the performance of pupils in the key school phases, i.e. Key Stage 2, GCSE and A-Level (or equivalent).

You can also view local league tables when using our map by clicking on the pull out side tab and sorting by one of the many options; such as Key Stage 2, GCSE or A-Level results. A great feature if you want to compare schools and find good schools near you.

Great Support

We are always here to help if you have a query regarding any of the data shown on our site.

We have a well stocked Frequently Asked Questions section in our members area and you can contact us easily 7 days a week via email or our dedicated members' helpdesk.

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4,841 responses up to 15 Oct 2024
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