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AKS Nursery & Preparatory School, King Edward Avenue, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1DR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children flourish in this wonderful and engaging environment. Greeted by friendly staff, children separate easily from their parents.
They are eager to start the day and explore the vast range of experiences on offer. The passionate staff go above and beyond to ensure the child is at the heart of the learning environment. They interact sensitively, responding to babies' gestures and babbles.
Staff encourage young babies to explore their senses using natural materials, such as the smell and feel of spring flowers. Older babies navigate obstacles to support their developing physical skills. They practise climbing ...over, under and through climbing equipment to gain confidence in their movements.
Staff have high expectations for all children who attend. They promote resilience and perseverance, offering encouragement for children to keep on trying. As such, children become confident, autonomous learners who do not give up easily.
They relish the challenge of new activities and delight in their success. Staff model appropriate behavioural expectations, teaching children to be kind and courteous to their friends. They remind children of the rules, such as for using 'kind hands,' when playing with other children.
Children enjoy sharing stories and joining in with their favourite rhymes, especially when joined by the head of nursery playing the guitar.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders design and implement a high-quality curriculum which continually builds on children's developmental milestones. Leaders focus on small, measurable targets for children to achieve.
The curriculum promotes the development of character and resilience through activities and experiences. It feeds into the higher ethos of the school, which helps to bridge transitions exceptionally well.Leaders and staff have high aspirations for all children.
Staff are passionate and knowledgeable. Their interactions are excellent and engage all children in their learning. Leaders scrutinise assessment data to identify where children's development is secure.
They swiftly identify and address any gaps in children's learning, or delays in development. Consequently, all children make exceptional progress.Leaders and staff prioritise for communication and language across the setting.
Interaction between staff and children is exemplary. Staff respond to babbles and vocalisations in younger babies. They ask questions and narrate their play.
As such, children learn the importance of conversation and effective communication.Leaders and staff meticulously plan for the health and well-being of children. They eat freshly prepared, nutritious meals and follow a specific weaning menu for young babies.
Staff manage rest and sleep times safely and agree routines with parents. They plan experiences to ensure that children have opportunities to develop the necessary skills to become movers. This helps children to be healthy, and develop to their full potential.
Staff provide children with a wide range of opportunities to help them become aware of other people, their local community and the wider world. They go on walks with children to the beach and the nearby lake to explore nature and signs of seasonal change. They help children take part in celebrations, such as 'Random Acts of Kindness' week.
They give out bunches of flowers to members of the community on their walks. As such, children learn respect and compassion from a very early stage.Care practices are highly effective.
Staff encourage independence from an early age, with children supported to do things for themselves. Staff give verbal encouragement to children to solve problems and find their own solutions. This supports children to learn resilience and perseverance.
As such, they are already becoming autonomous and confident learners.Leaders and staff are highly reflective. They strive for excellence and evaluate their practice to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Leaders value the staff team and place high emphasis on improving their professional development. They support staff to ensure that they are happy and their workload is minimised to support their well-being.Parents are extremely positive about the setting, commenting that staff go 'above and beyond.'
They complement the care and education their children receive from 'nurturing and knowledgeable' staff. Communication with parents is a real strength. Staff share individualised information for each child.
They keep parents very well informed of progress and how to further support learning at home. As such, children are secure in their learning and extremely well prepared for the next stage in their education.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders implement in-depth and highly effective safeguarding procedures and practices. All staff are fully trained and aware of their responsibilities in terms of keeping children safe. They all know the procedures for reporting and who to go to if they are concerned about the well-being of a child.
All equipment and resources are risk assessed and are well maintained to reduce risk to children. Children learn how to safely navigate equipment to reduce the risk of accidents. Leaders and staff encourage children to maintain personal hygiene practices to keep them safe from infection and cross-contamination.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.