Acorn Day Nursery Brafield On The Green

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About Acorn Day Nursery Brafield On The Green

Name Acorn Day Nursery Brafield On The Green
Ofsted Inspections
Address Church Lane, Northampton, NN7 1BA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • Staff identify any gaps in children's learning swiftly.

They provide individual intervention to help children to narrow any gaps in their development. All children make good progress from their respective starting points. • Staff provide children with a stimulating learning environment both indoors and outdoors.

This helps to motivate children's curiosity to explore, play and learn. • Staff promote children's sense of belonging and support their emotional security effectively. Children flourish and thrive as they form strong bonds with the caring and friendly staff.

• Staff support children's speech and language skills exceptionally well.... They implement a range of methods to encourage children's communication. For example, children respond well to sign language, to help promote their emerging speech.

Staff engage older children in meaningful discussions and encourage them to express their own ideas. • Leaders and managers place a strong focus on working with other professionals to promote children's welfare and education. Additional government funding is used well to provide children with tailored support and one-to-one teaching when appropriate.

• Staff develop positive relationships with parents. They value their involvement in their children's learning. Staff regularly share children's learning with parents through daily conversations, progress evenings and online systems.

This partnership working helps to support a shared and consistent approach to children's care and learning. • Staff do not always maximise opportunities that arise during children's play to extend and challenge their understanding of early mathematics to the highest level. • Leaders and managers monitoring of staff practice is not yet focused sharply enough on raising the quality of individual staff's teaching to the highest level.

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