All Saints Before & After School Club

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About All Saints Before & After School Club

Name All Saints Before & After School Club
Address All Saints C. E. Primary School, Rufford Drive, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 8PL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bury
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and safe at this delightful club.

They are confident and show a strong sense of belonging, despite there being some changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, younger children spend much of their time in their own play space and outdoor area, which they are more than happy about. Staff prioritise getting to know children and building positive relationships with them.

Children's excitement fills the air. They have positive attitudes towards their play and learning. Children take pride in their achievements and explain what they have done to achieve their 'motivation badge' from school.

Th...ey show good small-muscle skills while making collages of the Union Jack and drawing pictures to depict their holiday. Children happily discuss what they have drawn, such as the sand and the blue sea. They draw the members of their family and skilfully label each person, using the first letter of their names.

Children say that they 'love to draw' and that they enjoy playing with their friends. Outdoors, children enjoy climbing on apparatus and delight while going down the slide. They practise their large-muscle skills and coordination as they use bicycles and play ball games together.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is resolute in her vision of providing children with a 'relaxed, friendly and safe environment' to enable them to 'grow and thrive'. She reflects carefully on the club's strengths and how it can continue to improve for the children. Self-evaluation is thorough and includes the views of staff, children and parents.

Staff provide children with well-thought-out play experiences which complement their learning from school. For example, children take part in activities which help them to understand the Platinum Jubilee. They practise their writing, drawing and number skills while participating in a range of activities.

Staff miss no opportunity to interact with children, promoting their communication, language and thinking skills very well. Children relished the opportunities to speak with the inspector. For example, they asked him, 'What is your name?' and 'Are you a secret agent?'.

Children enthusiastically talk about themselves and are curious to find out about other people. They say that their favourite thing about the club is to 'play outside' and to 'eat cheese on toast'. Children happily discuss The Queen, saying that she has been on the throne for a long time and 'has a crown on her head, but sometimes has a hat'.

Children show remarkable behaviour. They know what staff expect of them and follow instructions without hesitation, for example when lining up to go inside. Children are well-mannered and polite.

They remember to say 'thank you'.Children are kind and caring towards their friends, such as when suggesting what they could draw next.Staff promote children's independence and self-care skills well.

For example, children clear their plates away after eating healthy snacks, and they go to the fridge to get a drink of milk. Children enjoy a lot of time outdoors and enjoy active play. They discuss the benefits of sports for our health and suggest why we breathe faster after exercising.

Partnership working is strong. The club has excellent links with the host school, which helps to support children's continuity of care. Feedback from parents is overwhelmingly positive.

They say that the club has 'enriched the experience of school life' and that they 'would be lost without it'. Parents comment on how 'friendly and supportive' staff are, and that they get to know the children 'exceptionally well'. Parents value the regular communication from staff and find this 'useful and reassuring'.

Staff are happy in their roles and report that they work in an 'excellent team'. They say that they are 'privileged' to work at the club and are 'blessed' to be able to see children develop and thrive. Leaders ensure that staff complete mandatory training.

They understand the importance of further enhancing the programme of continual professional development for staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The premises are safe and secure.

Recruitment procedures are robust, which helps to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff receive annual safeguarding training, and leaders make sure that this knowledge is up to date. Staff have training in paediatric first aid.

They know how to keep children safe and protected from harm. They understand the referral procedure and the steps to follow if they have concerns about children's welfare or the conduct of a colleague. Staff understand safeguarding issues, such as poor attendance, sexual abuse, grooming and radicalisation.

Also at this postcode
All Saints Church of England Primary School, Stand

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