AllKidsCan @ Fossdene Primary School

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About AllKidsCan @ Fossdene Primary School

Name AllKidsCan @ Fossdene Primary School
Address Fossdene Primary School, Victoria Way, Charlton, London, SE7 7NQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children excitedly enter the club. They are picked up from their classes and greeted warmly by the staff.

Children have a secure space to unwind in after their day at school. They are confident and self-assured as they choose games and activities, both indoors and outdoors. Children benefit from a wide range of sports activities offered by the club.

For example, they happily and enthusiastically participate in a dodgeball game organised by the club's sport coach. They share and take turns while playing. This helps promote children's social skills and physical development while they play in the fresh air.

Children ...form good relationship with each other, the provider and the staff, who are kind and attentive in their approach. Children show that they feel valued and respected. They communicate their needs and wants clearly and confidently share and express their ideas with the provider and the staff team.

For instance, children share their views about their new teacher with the staff. Children comment that they enjoy coming to the club and playing with their friends. They especially enjoy the sports activities planned for them.

This helps children to develop a sense of belonging at the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and the staff team are positive role models and have high expectations of children's behaviour. Children understand and follow the club's rules.

They know what is expected of them and listen and follow instruction well. Children are polite and respectful to each other and the staff team. They enjoy spending time together.

For example, they laugh, share and take turns while enthusiastically participating in a ball game.The provider recognises the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has on children, especially younger children. He acknowledges that children's social skills, independence and self-confidence development have all been significantly impacted.

The provider supports children to develop these through organising small group activities and sports games. This helps to encourage all children to participate.The provider and his team know the children well.

Children's individual needs and interests are met. For instance, children's specific dietary requirements are acknowledged and met. Staff involve children in future planning.

Children's views and requests are taken into account through regular discussions and conversations. The provider and staff acknowledge the diverse community they live in. They celebrate different cultural events and celebrations with the children, such as Eid and Diwali.

Partnerships with parents and the school are good. Parents speak highly about the care their children receive. They say that children are happy and enjoy their time at the club.

Parents receive regular communication from the provider via emails. However, they comment that, at times, they miss information about some activities and events. Staff pass on teacher's messages to parents and communicate well with the school.

The provider and the staff work together with the school to support all children, including those with special educational needs/or disabilities, who attend the club.Staff supervise children well. They support children when needed.

For example, staff encourage the younger children to climb and balance while using the obstacle course. They are praised for their efforts. Children learn to take age-appropriate risks.

This helps develop their self-confidence, emotional well-being and resilience.Children benefit from a good routine. Transition between activities is, in general, smooth.

However, at times, children wait too long while staff prepare the next activity. For example, at snack time, children are expected to sit at the table for a prolonged time, while staff serves their food and pour their drinks for them. This means children are made to wait for long period of time, which can cause them to become restless and disruptive.

The provider and senior leadership team supports the staff team well. Staff comment that they feel very supported. The provider and senior management team conduct regular supervisions with the team.

They listen to staff wishes and support them through their training and development. For example, the provider is in the process of organising sport coaching training for staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider and the staff team have good knowledge of all safeguarding aspects, including radicalisation and county lines. They understand their roles and responsibilities in keeping all children in their care safe from harm. The provider and the team know what to do and who to approach if they have any concerns about a child or an adult.

The staff team knows where to find the information they need to make a referral to outside agencies. The provider undertakes the necessary checks to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. This includes staff recruitment, induction and probation procedures.

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