Atlas Camps Cheltenham - Dunalley

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About Atlas Camps Cheltenham - Dunalley

Name Atlas Camps Cheltenham - Dunalley
Address Dunalley Cp School, West Drive, Cheltenham, GL50 4LB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive ready for their day at the club and staff greet them enthusiastically. Children confidently say 'goodbye' to their parents, enter the club and say 'good morning' to others. They know where to put their belongings before they join in with the activities.

Children choose what to do and quickly become absorbed in a wide range of activities and experiences that staff have carefully planned for them, such as 'balloon volleyball', which is very popular.Children know the club values and can easily explain about respect and perseverance, giving examples about what this means in practice. Management of children's behaviour i...s clear and consistent.

Staff are good role models and children behave well. This helps create a safe and respectful club that promotes positive experiences for everyone involved. It also helps children develop self-discipline, responsibility and leadership skills.

Staff praise children by nominating them with awards, which children are proud of. Children put stars by their names on the board as staff share their good deeds with the group. Children enjoy a wide range of outdoor and indoor activities linked to their shared interests and the range of children who attend.

The club is inclusive and meets the needs of all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Children make choices to participate and there are free times where children are able to make decisions for themselves and direct their own play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The team communicate well and set out the plans for the day.

Children consult and contribute their own ideas and suggestions to the activities they would like to do, such as to play 'hide and seek'. Staff readily include them. Children develop a strong sense of belonging, knowing their views are important and listened to.

Routines are well known by all children. This helps provide a sense of safety and security for children. Children know that when staff clap rhythms out, this means they copy, stop and listen.

They follow instructions well and tidy up brilliantly. Children understand hygiene routines. For example, they know to wash their hands before lunch.

Staff are a great asset. They are passionate, professional and fun. They communicate, support and encourage each other.

They work well together to plan a range of interesting activities that children want to participate in. They interact well with the children, listening and responding effectively. For example, children ask for some string to fly the origami kites they made out of paper.

Staff help them find the resources they need. Children listen and confidently ask staff for support and guidance when needed.The senior leadership team take the well-being and development of staff very seriously.

They have face-to-face and online training to support their practice prior to every club session. This helps them to keep up to date with new activities and practice. They have access to a well-being manager and give feedback following each session to support continuous improvement.

Parents are very positive about the club and staff. They value the friendliness and communication they have with the company. They say they know that their children are safe, being well cared for and having fun.

Children are extremely active. They run, play football and tag, where children run and catch each other. Older children give strategies to younger children so they are not caught quickly.

This helps children to learn new ways of doing things.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff complete safeguarding training and know who to share child protection information with.

Staff know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child in their care. Staff know what to do if they have concerns about any staff practice. Recruitment, vetting and ongoing suitability checks are robust to make sure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff know about online safety and have clear policies and practice to help children understand how to use technology safely. Staff help children understand how to stay safe. They teach children about what to do in the event of a fire, and encourage children to inform them when they move between activities.

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Dunalley Primary School

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