Atlas Camps Gloucester - Longlevens

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About Atlas Camps Gloucester - Longlevens

Name Atlas Camps Gloucester - Longlevens
Address Longlevens Infant School, Paygrove Lane, Gloucester, GL2 0AX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are welcomed into the club by the familiar staff.

They greet their peers who have already arrived and settle into play of their choice. Children access a broad range of activities. They display good levels of concentration as they use a variety of mark-making resources and stencils to create pictures.

Children carefully design and build structures from connecting bricks. They form friendships with peers who share similar interests.Children know the club's consistent routines.

They listen to staffs clear instructions and recall rules and boundaries. This helps children who are new to the club to understand... what is expected from them. Children are respectful of their peers and raise their hand to share their ideas.

They understand why rules are in place and link the importance of these to their safety.Children benefit from a good balance of adult-led and child-led activities. They enjoy activities that promote team work.

Children are encouraged to choose a partner who they do not know so well. They work together as they play group games, such as 'sharks and fishes'. Children hold hands and run from one side of the field to the other, carefully dodging their peers.

They celebrate getting across the field successfully, hugging their partner and giving them a 'high five'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff support children who are new to the club to feel safe and secure. They sit alongside them and engage in spontaneous conversations which help children to get to know each other.

Staff introduce themselves to the group each morning. This supports children to become familiar with staffs' names so they can call on them if required. Staff make sure they are on hand to support the youngest children.

For example, they help them to make decisions about the activities they would like to participate in.Children learn to adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Parents are encouraged to provide children with nutritious food in their lunch box.

Staff help children to make healthy choices throughout the day. For example, children are reminded about good snack choices and are encouraged to keep their sandwiches for lunchtime. Staff and children discuss the importance of not sharing food.

Children confidently explain that sharing food can spread germs and may cause someone to have an allergic reaction.Leaders have effective procedures in place to monitor the quality of the service they provide. They encourage parents to share their feedback through online surveys which are sent out at the end of each holiday camp.

Parents feedback is positive. They state that children have a joyous time and build strong relationships with the lovely staff.Staff receive ongoing support from leaders.

They attend regular staff meetings to share information and attend training. Staff display enjoyment in their role. They state that the leadership team are friendly and supportive.

Children's well-being is given a high priority. Staff are sensitive to children's emotional needs and give them the time and support they need to regulate their feelings and emotions. For example, staff sit with children away from the group to support them to feel calm and happy during their time at the club.

Children are allowed to bring in toys from home. They quickly give their toy a cuddle, put it away and continue with their play.Children make friends with children who attend a range of local schools.

They reflect on their experiences at school and share their thoughts on their class teachers. Children engage in meaningful discussions about the names of their teachers and what they have helped them to learn. Children take their time to decorate thank you cards with pom-poms and sequins.

They are supported by staff who make suggestions when they have difficulty sticking materials down. Children learn to problem-solve. They work out that tape may work better than glue.

Staff help children and parents to understand the importance of safe technology use. Children are allowed to bring in devices from home but staff set clear expectations for the use of these at the club. For example, children are not allowed to connect to the internet and only use these for short periods of time at the beginning, middle and end of the day.

Staff teach children the importance of valuing children's privacy and remind children that if their device has a camera, photographs are not to be taken.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand the importance of safeguarding practice.

They complete regular training to ensure that their knowledge of how to keep children safe remains up to date. Staff are able to identify the indicators of abuse and neglect and know the procedures to follow should they need to report a concern. This includes when they may have concerns about a colleague's practice.

Staff support children's understanding of safety. They complete a fire drill each morning so that all children know how to respond in the event of an emergency. Leaders follow rigorous recruitment and induction procedures to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

Also at this postcode
Kumon Longlevens Study Centre Longlevens Infant School

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