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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children's learning and development is supported well. The curriculum offers a range of exciting learning opportunities that children enjoy.
Recently, children have been observing baby chicks hatch from their eggs. They have learned how to care for them as the chicks grow and develop. Children are eager to learn and make good progress from their starting points.
On arrival at the setting, children are greeted with smiles and 'high fives'. They develop secure attachments with staff. Staff explain the activities and play experiences that have been set out.
Consequently, children settle quickly and are happy and ...eager to play and explore.Staff teach children to share their toys, take turns and to be kind to each other. Praise and encouragement such as 'good job' and 'well done for sharing' support this.
Staff sensitively intervene if children need extra support to follow the rules. As a result, children behave well and feel safe and valued within this nurturing setting.Children giggle with joy as they pretend to make 'dinner' in the role-play area.
They talk about their favourite foods and are becoming good communicators as they play. Children show great pride in their achievements. They bring craft items from home to show staff.
They also invite staff to come and look at the 'giant' towers they have built together in the construction area. Children are developing a strong sense of self-worth.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The setting supports children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) extremely well.
Staff value and praise children's unique strengths. The experienced special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) works with the local authority and other services to ensure that children get the best possible care and support. Children's individual needs are identified accurately and support is put in place quickly.
As a result, children with SEND make good progress from their starting points.Staff identified that some children needed more support to develop their communication and language skills. Timely support and intervention is put into place to close any emerging gaps in their learning.
For example, staff use sign language to help to enhance children's communication skills. All children are becoming increasingly confident communicators.The curriculum has a strong focus on supporting children's emotional development.
Children take part in yoga therapy, which helps them to relax. Staff teach children strategies to help them to regulate their own behaviour. They know what helps them to stay calm, or what to do if they feel upset.
Children are becoming resilient learners.Children's physical development is supported well. Indoors, they join in action songs as they wriggle their fingers, shake their heads and touch their toes.
The outdoor provision offers opportunities for children to develop their upper arm strength and coordination. Children climb, play balls games and make marks on a large scale. Children are effectively supported to develop their understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Overall, staff encourage children to develop their independence skills as they play. However, occasionally, in their eagerness to help children, some staff do things for them that they could try to do for themselves. For example, they hand out plates and pour children's drinks at snack time.
On occasions such as these, children's independence is less well promoted.The leadership team is strong. Leaders offer staff support to enhance teaching skills across the setting.
Supervision meetings help staff to reflect and discuss strengths in practice. Areas to develop are targeted to help staff to improve their teaching skills further. Consequently, children have access to high-quality teaching and learning opportunities.
Furthermore, staff have access to regular well-being meetings. This gives them an opportunity to talk about their own health and well-being. As a result, staff feel valued and well equipped to support the well-being of the children.
Parents praise the setting. They tell the inspector that they wish they themselves could have attended the setting as a child. They are informed about what their children are learning and how to support this further at home.
This positive partnership supports children to make the best possible progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of how to keep children safe.
Daily risk assessments minimise children's exposure to any danger. Consequently, children play in a safe environment. Security within the setting is of a high priority.
The setting is situated in the grounds of a school, which is surrounded by high fencing. Visitors are greeted on arrival and only escorted into the building if expected. Children are safe and secure.
Staff know the signs and symptoms of abuse and understand the procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child. Children's welfare is of the highest priority and this helps to protect them from harm.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: reflect on how children can be supported more frequently to do things for themselves.