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Davidson Road, Bill Quay, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE10 0UN
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thrive in this friendly pre-school. Parents comment that staff are friendly and supportive. Children form excellent relationships with their key person and other members of staff.
They arrive happily in the morning and settle quickly into the routines of the pre-school. Children talk confidently with members of staff. For example, young children play with a pretend zoo and a shop.
They involve other members of staff in their play as they take on the role of shopkeeper.Staff have high expectations of what children can achieve, overall. Older children demonstrate an excellent understanding of shape.
The...y confidently talk about the names of solid and flat shapes, and use terms such as 'round' to describe them. Children also learn how to use knives correctly, to help them in preparation for starting school. Children behave well.
They listen when other children are talking and are aware that they need to take turns with resources. Due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the pre-school staff are careful to ensure that children do not come into contact with children from classes in school. This helps to reduce the spread of infection and provides reassurance to parents that children are safe.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff do not plan some group activities well enough to provide consistently high levels of support and challenge to younger children. For example, staff plan some small-group activities to help older children to recognise numbers. They do not consistently consider what skills younger children need to learn next.
As a result, not all children show high levels of involvement in group activities.Staff plan activities to develop children's early writing skills. Children can access pencils, crayons and paper throughout the session.
Staff encourage children to use writing within their play. For example, as children pretend to be at the shops, staff help them to write shopping lists. However, not all activities and resources that staff provide to develop children's early writing skills support their age or stage of development.
Staff support children effectively to develop their communication and language. They listen to children and repeat and comment on what they are saying. Staff use children's interests to develop conversations.
For example, staff talk to quieter children about things that are of interest to them. Children become more articulate and begin to join simple phrases together when this happens.Children learn about healthy eating.
Staff plan activities in which children can make healthy food choices. For example, children make a pasta salad. They talk about what foods are healthy and learn that some meats, such as pepperoni, contain high amounts of fat and salt.
The manager evaluates her setting well. She monitors children's learning and takes effective action when she identifies areas of the curriculum that need improving. For example, the manager takes swift action when she identifies that some children need further support with their health and self-care.
She has identified that due to COVID-19, staff have attended fewer training courses. The manager has identified professional development opportunities as a result of this, to support staff further.Staff plan opportunities to develop children's knowledge further.
For example, during snack time, staff develop older children's knowledge of mathematics extremely well. Children talk about how many children would like apple and calculate how many pieces they will have if they halve two apples.Children develop very good relationships with each other.
They greet their friends happily and play together. For example, children enjoy making sounds on the pans and colanders outside. They talk together as they explore the different sounds they can make.
Staff have very good relationships with parents. Parents explain how staff use electronic communication help them to know what their child is doing. They get good ideas about the things they can do at home.
Parents speak highly about the activities that the pre-school suggested during periods of closure, due to national restrictions.The manager supports her staff well. Staff comment on the support they receive from the manager and other staff.
They value the opportunity to share information at staff meetings. Staff feel comfortable to talk about any issues they may have. The manager holds regular supervision meetings with staff to talk about how things are going.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There are good procedures in place to keep children safe. For example, all gates into the school grounds and doors into the pre-school are secure.
This means children cannot leave the room unsupervised. The indoor and outdoor areas are safe and well maintained. The manager and her staff team have a good knowledge of signs and symptoms that may indicate possible abuse to children.
They know the procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child. Staff have a good understanding of wider safeguarding issues, such as the 'Prevent' duty guidance.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure that group activities support the skills that younger children need to learn next to provide consistently high levels of support and challenge plan activities more carefully to develop children's early writing skills and support their age and stage of development.