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Blue Coat C of E Primary School, Symn Lane, Wotton Under Edge, Gloucester, GL12 7BD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are active learners at this welcoming setting.
All children learn through a wide range of sensory play experiences. They feel, hear, look at and listen to objects. They close their eyes and listen to the wind, birds and traffic during forest-school activities.
Young children learn about making and popping bubbles when grating soap and 'swishing' water with a spoon. They use water from the water butt to cover the 'volcano' in the sand pit. They select from many materials that are natural, interesting and open ended.
Children engage and concentrate, and talk about their experiences with staff. This help...s staff to join in and extend children's language and interests. Staff encourage children's thinking, and build on what they say.
They ask children to think about what may happen next and what they can do if something is not going as planned. This helps children to develop their own solutions and the ability to negotiate with friends, for example, when they want the same sheet of paper.The curriculum sets out what children of different ages and stages need to learn.
This is further developed, with next steps clearly defined for every child. All children who attend enjoy their time playing and exploring. Children are independent and resourceful.
School-age children at the breakfast club make tyres and plank jumps, and involve pre-school children in their games. This activity carries on later, with younger children developing the game. The well-thought-out routines help all children to feel safe and know what is happening next.
The triangle and wind chime help children to stop, look and listen to the change that is to take place. Children wait for instructions from staff, who are positive, respectful and set a good example. Children line up sensibly, take responsibility for their own things, and behave very well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children's physical skills are developing well. Children handle tools, such as watering cans to water herbs and paint brushes, with good control. They are aware of open spaces as they run across the field and how this makes their heart pump.
They learn to move their bodies in different ways as they pull branches from the stack to make dens, build with blocks, and dig in the sand. Children have numerous opportunities to decide whether to play indoors or outside. However, some children are not as well supported to choose what they want to do on some occasions.
Circle time provides an opportunity for children to come together and participate in activities that promote social and emotional development. Circle time also enables staff to share learning and assess each child's understanding. Different staff lead the group in activities such as singing songs, reading stories, discussing the weather, counting, and reciting the days of the week.
Partnership with parents is strong. Parents feel well informed about their child's development and progress. There is a focus week that helps them to really understand and build on what their child knows and can do.
Parents like the regular updates and photographs that inform them of the range and type of activities and experiences provided and the daily routines.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well provided for. Children form special bonds with staff, who understand their individual needs well.
Staff are kind and patient and ensure that the right help is in place. All children make good progress from their starting points.Positive transitions for children are a key strength of the setting.
Strong handovers between staff, parents and other settings, such as schools, ensure that children's needs are met. This supports consistency for children and families, and new attachments are made.The manager is proud of her staff team.
She cares about their well-being and development. Training informs practice. Staff have regular supervision and support.
They have a daily staff 'huddle' and review what they do well and evaluate what they want to do better. There is an ethos of continual improvement. The manager uses external support and guidance to be even better to promote the best learning outcomes for children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure that staff develop consistent opportunities for children to engage in independent play choices to support their learning.