Partou Bluebells Day Nursery & Pre-School

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About Partou Bluebells Day Nursery & Pre-School

Name Partou Bluebells Day Nursery & Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Longsands Lane, Fulwood, PRESTON, PR2 9PS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement Although appropriate policies and procedures are in place, on occasion, the effective implementation of these is not adequately monitored. For instance, procedures for dropping off and collecting children are not always followed.

Children enjoy their time at nursery. They are engaged in and are positive about their play and learning. Staff support children to behave well and to work together.

Children understand staff's expectations, listening and responding to instructions well. Staff promote 'bumping into books', supporting children to access and enjoy books and stories in all areas of the nursery. Staff make time to si...t quietly with children and read to them.

Children and parents take part in informative sessions, such as first aid. This supports parents' confidence and helps children learn important life skills, such as how to call for emergency assistance.Outings to nearby attractions, such as a nature reserve, help to widen children's scope of experience.

They learn about their local area and about how they are each unique through the thoughtful teaching of the broad curriculum. Children make good progress and develop confident attitudes towards life and learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has put appropriate procedures in place to keep children safe.

However, when weaknesses in procedures for dropping off and collecting children are identified, the provider has not taken prompt and effective action to strengthen and rectify the issues.The provider has a structure in place to support staff in their roles. Staff are offered lots of opportunities for professional development.

However, on occasion staff workload pressures are not fully addressed resulting in lower staff morale. This does not fully support the best possible outcomes for children.Intents for children's learning are clear.

There is a shared understanding of the nursery's aims to prepare children for future learning and for life. Children's learning is well sequenced to gradually build on what they know and can do. This promotes children's readiness for life and the next stage of their education.

Staff promote children's learning in interesting and enticing ways. For instance, they promote babies' early language skills through poetry. Staff encourage children's understanding of number as they measure each other while they lie on the floor.

Staff understand how children learn and adapt their teaching appropriately. Children's progress is supported across the curriculum.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those who need help to catch up are supported well.

Additional funding is spent effectively to offer more individual support. Staff work with outside agencies and implement strategies in the interim to help close gaps in children's learning.Children who speak English as an additional language are supported.

Staff speak the home languages of some children and learn key words and phrases to support others. Staff source books and resources in other languages and give copies to families to read at home. This helps to link children's learning and experiences at home and nursery.

Staff help children to settle in and form good bonds with them. Interactions are sensitive and supportive. Staff find out about children's routines and likes to help get their learning off to a sound start.

Staff know children well and tailor their planning and teaching accordingly. They link children's learning to their existing interests and promote new ones through teaching and discussion.Children's council meetings enable children to have input into activity planning.

Children keenly voice their views and opinions in these sessions. This promotes children's sense of value, they understand that their voices are heard. They develop confidence in their self-worth.

Relationships with parents are supportive. Staff plan opportunities for parents to engage in and support their children's learning. For instance, parents are invited to story sessions to read to children.

Parents appreciate staff's advice on toilet training and healthy eating, for example. This helps to support the consistency of children's care and learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date take effective action to consistently identify and rectify weaknesses in the implementation of policies and procedures to ensure children's safety.17/01/2025 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to support staff to manage their workload and their professional development to maximise effective interactions with children and help them to make the best possible progress.

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