Bracken Place Day Nursery

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About Bracken Place Day Nursery

Name Bracken Place Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 3 Bracken Place, Chilworth, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 3NG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children of all ages behave impeccably well and they are extremely polite towards staff and friends. Staff give children strong guidance so that they always know what is expected of them. Children display exceptionally high levels of confidence and motivation to engage fully in play.

For instance, older children expertly negotiated a challenging assault course. Toddlers skilfully used a sawing motion to independently chop up their lasagne.Staff offer all children good access to an ambitious curriculum that encompasses the seven areas of learning.

Children of all ages engage in a broad, interesting range of activities. ...This was evident when toddlers explored the outdoor environment using telescopes they had made the previous day. Toddlers eagerly tilted the tubes upwards and talked about what they could see in the sky.

Staff help all children to enhance their communication and language skills. For instance, in the baby room, staff exaggerated facial movements and made repetitive sounds. Babies delighted in copying them and they babbled loudly.

In the pre-school room, older children confidently filled in the missing words of popular songs. Staff consistently adopt a gentle manner during conversations with children. Across the nursery, children demonstrate that they feel secure when they approach familiar staff for a cuddle.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are heavily invested in the self-evaluation process and they eagerly contribute ideas for improvement within their own rooms. For example, staff in the baby room recognised that young babies respond well to visual stimulation. They collaborated with each other to create a black and white area for young children.

Staff display pride as they explain that babies enjoy reaching out for the contrasting fabrics and stroking the textured cushions.Staff provide good support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, who make good progress in their education. For instance, staff often supplement speech with visual prompts and sign language.

Children gain a good understanding of what comes next in their daily routine. Staff welcome advice from a host of other professionals involved in children's care. They follow guidance to support children's good development.

There are slight gaps in the manager's knowledge of additional funding available to support individual children. The manager recognises that this is an area she needs to strengthen to further close any gaps in learning.The manager deploys staff well across the nursery.

While children enjoy independently exploring the play environment, a member of staff is always nearby if they need support. This was illustrated when children returned from outdoor play and a member of staff supported them to change into dry clothes.At lunchtime, toddlers independently spooned out vegetables and staff offered additional help when they noticed that children needed it.

Children's conduct is excellent throughout the day and they respond positively to all instructions given by staff. They thoroughly enjoy contributing to nursery life.The key-person system is implemented well across the nursery.

Staff form strong links with parents and regularly communicate details about children's learning and care. For example, staff share details about activities that children take part in. Children establish secure emotional links to their key person.

When children move between age groups, staff complete thorough hand-overs. The new key person is able to offer children stability in their routine as they implement a consistent approach to care.The management team understands how important it is for staff to be satisfied with their role within the nursery.

Managers create a positive culture where staff are eager to share their views and talk about changes at home. However, the management team recently identified that some staff have fewer opportunities to access training and develop their professional skills. They are continuing to work with staff to identify suitable learning opportunities to further develop the quality of their practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider, management team and staff work well together to reduce risks to children. For instance, they improved flooring and removed some foliage in the garden area.

This has increased safety for children who enjoy playing outdoors. All staff have a secure knowledge of safeguarding and they know how to report any concerns about children's care. The management team offers a range of opportunities for staff to confidentially discuss any concerns, for example during regular supervision meetings.

However, staff also know how to contact the designated officer within the local authority. This is important if they feel they would prefer to discuss issues confidentially with other professionals.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen knowledge of additional funding available for children, to further enhance children's experiences and close any gaps in learning nincrease opportunities for all staff to access training to raise the quality of their professional skills and expertise.

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