Brentry & Henbury Children’s Centre ’trading as everyFAMILY’ Limited

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About Brentry & Henbury Children’s Centre ’trading as everyFAMILY’ Limited

Name Brentry & Henbury Children’s Centre ’trading as everyFAMILY’ Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Brentry & Henbury Children’s Centre, Brentry Lane, Brentry, Bristol, BS10 6RG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happy and ready to start their day. They separate from their parents with ease and settle quickly as the friendly staff greet them. Children develop good friendships with their peers.

They play nicely and work together as they build with the blocks in the garden. Children giggle and laugh when their towers wobble and fall over. Younger children enjoy playing imaginatively.

They pretend to take a journey in their imaginary car. Older children enjoy using the resources to make their own ramps and enclosures to play with the cars. Children learn to be independent at managing their own needs.

Even ...the youngest children are encouraged to pour drinks and they confidently drink from cups without lids. Older children use crockery and are confident serving their own meals. Children enjoy helping to tidy away after mealtimes.

They carefully carry their plates and empty them before helping staff to sweep up the food from the floor. Children have a good attitude towards learning and being involved in activities. Children learn to sit nicely, take turns and listen to their peers during group activities.

Staff know the children well and they provide a curriculum that focuses on what children are interested in. Children have opportunities to make their own choices, and they demonstrate confidence in choosing what they would like to do.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, leaders and staff have worked hard to raise the quality of their practice.

The dedicated leaders have worked closely with staff to focus on developing the quality of the education provided to children. The procedures for monitoring and improving staff practice are still in the early stages and need to be embedded further to raise the quality to a consistently high level.Staff work closely with families to learn about and celebrate their cultures.

Staff help children to develop the use of their home languages as they incorporate them into everyday activities. For instance, staff have learned songs in children's home languages and created books with familiar words in to support children's language development further.Children benefit from lots of fresh air and opportunities to develop their physical skills.

All children enjoy exploring outdoors. The youngest children explore scooping and pouring as they play with the water. Older children enjoy the open space.

They have fun playing hide and seek and running games. Children squeal with excitement as they are caught by staff.Leaders and staff provide good support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Leaders work closely with children's parents to access help from other professionals, and they focus on how best to provide support for the whole family. For instance, leaders ensure that children are able to access the services that are available to them. Additional funding is used effectively to target support for the children who it is intended for.

Staff have good methods in place to monitor children's progress and to support their learning further. They work closely with children's parents. Parents say that they are very happy with the support that their children receive.

Parents say that staff keep them well informed about their children's progress, so that they can support their children's learning at home.Overall, behaviour is managed well. Staff know which children need extra support with managing their feelings and they ensure that they are supported with supervision.

At times, staff do not consistently use the strategies that are in place to meet children's individual learning styles and, as a result, some children struggle to express themselves appropriately.Leaders and staff provide a stimulating and inspiring environment for all age groups. All children enjoy exploring real-life objects in their play, and staff provide interesting activities that spark children's interests.

However, staff do not consistently consider how they can use the resources and environment to further extend children's learning. For instance, children are encouraged to explore real fruit and vegetables and they show interest in what they look like inside, but children struggle to cut them, as staff do not consider that the knives provided are blunt and this prevents children from exploring further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff have good procedures in place to keep children safe. Leaders follow good processes to check and monitor the suitability of the staff who they employ to work with children. Staff receive good inductions and training to enable them to understand and implement the policies and procedures in place.

Staff have a good awareness of the indicators that might suggest that a child is at risk of harm. They fully understand their responsibilities to record and act on any concerns that they have about children's welfare.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to develop procedures for staff support and training to raise the quality of practice to a greater level be more consistent at using the strategies in place for supporting children's individual learning needs make the most of the resources and areas provided to consistently extend children's learning and skills.

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