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About Bright Horizons Fulbourn Day Nursery & Preschool
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children thrive at this exceptionally welcoming and inclusive nursery. They enthusiastically take part in stimulating and challenging activities.
Staff plan a well-designed curriculum based on children's individual needs, experiences and prior learning. Children benefit from a wealth of valuable opportunities to enrich their experiences. For example, they are curious to learn about bees from a local bee keeper.
Children love to be out in the wonderful nursery garden. It is full of exciting and interesting spaces, where they can explore, grow and develop.Children show that they feel exceptionally happy, safe and ...secure.
The exemplary settling-in procedures ensure that every child begins their nursery life in a positive way. Children form close and caring relationships with their key persons. They get to know the children and their families very well.
Staff are excellent role models. They have extremely high expectations of all children and celebrate their individuality. Children behave exceptionally well.
Staff value and respect the cultural diversity of the children attending. There are superb resources to support children who speak English as an additional language. All children make rapid progress in their understanding and use of English.
Staff provide children with an excellent foundation on which to build their future learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager is knowledgeable, highly skilled and dedicated to her role. She demonstrates very high expectations of staff.
They benefit from extremely effective systems of support and performance management. The manager considers the workload and well-being of her staff. Their enthusiasm and hard work are greatly appreciated and rewarded by the senior management team.
Excellent self-evaluation means that staff are continually extending the service they provide. Staff consistently build on their skills and knowledge. They attend relevant training and share information with their colleagues.
Recent training has supported staff in providing an exceptionally inclusive environment for the children and their families.Parents are warmly welcomed into the nursery by the very friendly and approachable manager and staff. Parents speak very highly of the nursery and describe the staff as 'calm', 'kind', 'fun' and 'professional'.
Parents appreciate the highly effective settling-in sessions. They say that staff handle transitions extremely well. They receive a weekly memo to keep them informed of what their children will be doing at the nursery.
Staff enthusiastically support children's language development. For example, they introduce new words, such as 'seeds' and 'roots', as they explore cress.Older children learn about letters and the sounds they make, to help support their early reading skills.
Babies enjoy cuddles with their favourite adults. Staff in the baby room sing songs and rhymes and mimic familiar words, encouraging babies' early speech. They use sign language and gestures extremely effectively to help younger children to communicate.
Children learn to lead very healthy lives at the nursery. They enjoy appetising and nutritious meals, freshly prepared by the nursery cook. Staff regularly remind children to drink water throughout the day to ensure they do not become thirsty.
Highly effective daily routines help staff to teach children about keeping themselves safe. For example, children become 'safety spies' and carry out their own risk assessments of the environment. Children have many opportunities to practise taking manageable risks.
For example, they persevere to walk up slopes and climb over stepping stones in the garden.Staff encourage children to be respectful and to contribute positively to society. They have discussions about people less fortunate than themselves.
For example, when they hear about fire damage in Australia, they hold a 'superhero dress-up day' to raise funds for them.Children learn about the wider world through a superb range of play resources, visitors to the nursery and outings. They thoroughly enjoy a visit from police officers.
They are eager to find out about the items in the boot of the police car. Children learn about keeping themselves safe. They go on 'safety walks' in the locality.
They wear reflective jackets and use clipboards to record the road safety signs they see on route.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a very good understanding of the signs that may indicate a child may be at risk of harm.
They have an excellent knowledge of the current procedures to follow should they have concerns about children's welfare. All staff have undertaken safeguarding training. They discuss safeguarding issues at staff meetings.
The manager maintains documentation to a very high standard. All records required for the safe and efficient management of the nursery are in place. Robust recruitment procedures, staff induction and supervision processes help to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.